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Q: What did the crew of Apollo 11 do while on their way to the moon?
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Did the crew of Apollo 13 ever make it to the moon?

They made it "to" the Moon in the sense they went all the way there, all the way around it, and all the way back. However, the malfunction prevented them from landing, as they had been scheduled to do.

Why was Neil Armstrong the first person to land on the moon?

Because he was the backup commander of Apollo 8. The crew rotation worked in the way that the backup crew would become the prime crew of 3 missions later. 11-8=3.

What happen on the Apollo 11 and Apollo 13 what were the differentces?

The Apollo 11 went to the moon and returned safely to earth. But Apollo 13, did not land on the moon, as it exploded on the way to the moon, but it returned safely.

What happend on Apollo 13?

When Apollo 13 was on it's way to the moon, an oxigen tank in the command module exploded. They aborted their trip to the moon and came back with the lunar module because Apollo 13 deviated from his course for a while, that's why they lost practical all their fuel.

Was the Apollo 13 successful?

No sadly Apollo 13 was a failure, it exploded on the way to the moon.

Why was the Apollo 11 launched?

The Americans launched the Apollo 11 mission because they were in the 'Space Race' with Russia, and they didn't want Russia to win.However, the Apollo 11 mission was in fact a hoax. Russia had the technology to actually put a man on the moon, but the money. For America, it was the other way round. So America said that they would put a man on the moon by 1970, and in 1969, they launched the crew into the air, but not actually on the moon.

What year did Apollo orbit the moon?

There were two Apollo missions that orbited the moon without landing. Apollo 8, carrying the first humans to ever be inside the gravitational influence of anything besides the earth, entered lunar orbit December 24, 1968. Apollo 10, as a dress rehearsal of the first landing, had the LM orbit all the way down to within 9 miles of the moon's surface, but did not actually land. The crew entered orbit May 22, 1969.

Will they extend Apollo 11 in the future?

Apollo 11 was a single mission in the Apollo Program. There is no way to extend a moon landing from 1969 into the future.

What role did the lunar module play in the Apollo 13 mission?

An explosion caused the Apollo Spacecraft (the Command Module) to lose electrical power generation. It could operate for a while on batteries but they were needed for reentry and would not last that long. So, the crew powered down the Command Module and moved into the Lunar Module. Since they were on the way to the moon when the explosion occurred they had to continue to the moon, swing around it and eturn to Earth. The crew stayed in the Lunar Module until nearing time to reenter. Had the not had the Lunar Module as a place of safety they would not have survived.

What problems did neil Armstrong have on his journey to the moon?

Apollo 11 did not encounter any problems on its way to the moon.

Astronaut name that went to Uranus?

No astronaut has gone to Uranus. The moon is the only celestial body beyond Earth that has been visited by humans.

What classifies the capitalized words in this sentencethe purpose of the apollo project was to find a way to the moon and back?

Adjective phrase classifies the capitalized words in this sentence 'The purpose of the Apollo project was to find a way to the moon and back.'