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Q: What did the cyclops say to polyphemus when they arrive at his cave after he was attacked?
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How did Odysseus meet the cyclops Polyphemus?

Odysseus waited for the cyclops Polyphemus inside the cave with some of his crewmen.

Who escaped from the cave of the Cyclops?

Odysseus and 6 of his 12 men escape from the cyclops Polyphemus' cave.

How does Polyphemus meet Odysseus and his men?

Odysseus and his men wait in the cyclops cave, as Odysseus is curious as to who the cyclops is. As Polyphemus brings in his sheep, he spots the men in the cave.

Why did Odysseus go to the cyclops polyphemus' cave?

Odysseus was curious about the type of men the Cyclops were.

What was blocking the door of Cyclops' cave?

A large boulder blocked the door of the cyclops Polyphemus' cave. The boulder was too large to be moved by 22 strong 4-wheeled wagons.Later, Polyphemus removes the borders, but blocks the entrance with his cyclops hands.

How did Odysseus and his men get stuck with the cyclops?

Odysseus and his men willingly go to Polyphemus' cave, sacrifice and eat some of the cyclops' cheese, and wait for Polyphemus to return. When Polyphemus returns, he rolls a large boulder in front of the exit to the cave, trapping the men.

Short Odysseus and the cyclops story?

Odysseus and his men get trapped in the cyclops Polyphemus' cave. To escape, Odysseus blinds the cyclops with a sharpened stake, but Polyphemus traps them in the cave. Odysseus devises a plan to escape by hiding under the sheep and leaving while Polyphemus lets his sheep out to graze, narrowly avoiding being crushed by the giant's hand.

What do Odysseus and his men find in a cave?

Odysseus and his men find the Cyclops Polyphemus in a cave. The Cyclops traps them inside and proceeds to eat some of the men before Odysseus devises a plan to blind Polyphemus and escape.

When the cyclops first sees Odysseus and the crew what does he do?

The Cyclops Polyphemus starts a conversation with Odysseus and his men, asking who they are, where they are from, and what they are doing in his cave.

In the odyssey who is the cheese-eating cave dweller?

Odysseus and his men eat (steal) cheese in Polyphemus' cave. Polyphemus was a giant cyclops. He did not like his cheese being eaten.

Where is the Cyclopes when Odysseus and his men enter the cave?

The Cyclops, Polyphemus, is inside the cave when Odysseus and his men enter.

What is the habitat of the Greek mythological creature the cyclops?

The habitat of a Cyclops can be really anything. A famous cyclops named Polyphemus lived in a cave with the Golden Fleece.