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it seperated us from britain

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Q: What did the declaration of independace do?
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When was the declaration of independace signed?

July4th 1776

When was the US declaration of Independace signed?


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America declared her independace with the signing of what document?

The Declaration of Independence.

What document stated that the colonies were free of british control?

declaration of independace

Who was the was the author of the decleration of independace?

The Declaration of Independence was written primarily by Thomas Jefferson.

Why did congress want the declaration of independaance written?

To declare independace from Britain, or they'd still be Britain's.

What is the battleground near Boston where the decloration of independace was signed?

The place where the Declaration of Independence was not a battle field, but the Pennsylvania state house. I think you are confused and I suggest you do a timeline to help you.

What did William Floyd do at the signing of the declaration of independace?

William Floyd was a delegate from New Jersey to the Second Continental Congress, which debated and the adopted the Declaration of Independence. He signed it because the legislature of New Jersey wanted independence and authorized him to sign it for New Jersey.

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