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There are many answers to this question:

1. All the land was on the bottom of the earth with 2-3 huge lakes in between them.

2. It was a big ball of molten mineral's, still cooling.

3. It looked much like Pangaea.

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Q: What did the earths crust look like 4.55 billion years ago?
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As oceanic crust moves away from the mid ocean ridge it cools and becomes more dense?

As the ocean crust gets older, its density increases. This has helped the continents to stay a float on the earths upper mantle for over a billion years.

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What composition is earths crust?

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Is the oceanic crust older then the continental crust?

Well, the earth was built all by itself or more preferably god made it but, the oceanic crust and the continental crust are both aged the same. Whenever this earth was created like 40,000 or billion years ago. It's really quite simple to figure it out by yourself.

How many elements make up earths crust?

How many elements make up the earths crust? The earths crust is made of many layers..You can find clay and very good soil. But that is if you dig a little way down. the earth has a center which is called the core of the earth. Inside this core is lava and is incredibly hot. Like the sun but not as hot..

What is the major heat source of earth's crust?

there are many reasons for heat in earths crust. like the friction between rock masses during movements of earths crust. there may also be heat left over from the original heat of earths interior. but the main reason for heat in earths crust is radioactive elements. they give off energy that can be absorbed as heat. some radioactive elements include uranium, thorium, and a form of potassium.

How can Humans utilize the hot water produced within the earths crust?

it can be used for power, like geothermal

How do you use earths mantle in a sentence?

Just like that. Or: One layer of the Earth's crust is the Earth's mantle.

What causes cracks in the earth's crust?

The crust is the thinnest part on the Earth.