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They removed it from the deceased body, through the nose, using special tools.

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Q: What did the egyptians do with the person's brain for mummification?
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What did the Egyptians do with the person's brain in the preparation for mummification?

The ancient Egyptians thought that the brain had no function (as it appeared to be just an inert lump of fat) and that the heart was responsible of thinking. During the mummification process they would get a hook and put it inside the nostril. They would break the bone between the nose and the brain. Then they would wiggle the hook and that made the Brain drain from the nose in a liquid form.

What was the substance egyptians used to stuff the nostrils?

I'm just guessing but i was told it is beeswax.

What was stuffed up the nostril in mummification?

A sort of long hook that was used to pull out the brain. The ancient Egyptians believed that the human brain served no purpose and was not considered as sacred as the lungs and heart, which were placed in sacred jars during the mummification process.

How did Egyptians religious practice of mummification effect the field of medicine?

When Egyptians did mummification they learned about what is in the human body and found out a lot about it.

How was mummification important to the egyptians?


What is good sentence about mummification?

The mummification process is not quite complete.

What was the process of Egyptians preserving the dead?


How did the egyptians preserve the deceased?

By means of mummification.

What is Egyptians religious about creation?

Egyptians believed in an afterlife so they created mummification...

What did Egyptians use resin for?

Resin was used by the Egyptians as part of the mummification process. The resin was poured into the person's skull after the brain was removed to help it keep its shape. It was also used to secure bandages in place.

Why did the Egyptians not remove the heart in the mummification process and why why did the Egyptians not take out the heart in the mummification process and why?

The heart was kept in to be weighed in the afterlife.It was the only internal organ that was not removed.

Where was mummification invented?

The anubisThe ancient Egyptians. They claim Anubis invented it.