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because they thought they were invincible like their unrealistic gods!

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Q: What did the egyptians think would live on earth after death for ever?
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What did Egyptians think happened to people after death?

That you would show up in another world

How would life be for the ancient egyptians without the nile river?

there would be no Egyptians left on earth because they would all die without water.

Why did Egyptians mummify their dead?

The Egyptians believed that by mummifying their dead, that it would ensure they would have a successful journey and peaceful life in another life after death.

Why did the Egyptians call their Pharaoh a living god?

Ancient Egyptians believed that their ruler was a god on Earth and when he died, he would become Osirus.

Why did Egyptians perform mummificayion?

The Egyptians believed that the soul would leave the body after death. However, it was still the earthly vessel, and should the body be destroyed or rotted away, the soul would die. As a result, to keep that from happening, the Egyptians would mummify the dead.

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how do you think earth's landforms would be the earth stopped ratating?

What did egyptians embalm other than humans?

The Egyptians were known for embalming their people after death. They would also embalm their cats, dogs, beetles and other pets.

What is life and death all a part of?

Life and death is a part of the natural cycle of the earth. If there was no life, this planet would be dead. If there was no death, this planet would be dead. Think about it. If there was no death, this planet would be over popularized, more and more recources would be needed/wanted and the planet can only make and take so much.

What would happened if there was no sun on earth?

If there no sun near by the earth we would freeze to death... Now if there was a sun on earth we would burn

Why do ancient Egyptians think that jewelry would protect them from harm?

they wanted to die?

Who was the first to wear the?

i would probably say the egyptians....think cleopatras makeupp

What are the ancient Egyptian beliefs for after death?

Well to begin, ancient Egyptians took a hopeful view on life after death. They thought it to be better then their life on earth. When they died they would board Ra's (the sun god) boat and sail to a place called The Land of Two Fields. At first, only pharaohs could go and enjoy their afterlife, but then the god Osiris made it possible for all Egyptians to enjoy life after death. The Land of Two Fields was said to look just like Egypt, completed with the beautiful Nile river, and everyone would live in peace. Also, the Egyptians believed that their soul had two parts to it, Ba and Ka. One part of the soul would come to earth and watch over your family, while the other half enjoyed the afterlife, and at the end of the day, both soul pieces return themselves to the dead Egyptians tomb and rest.