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Q: What did the entry of California to the balance between free and slave holding states?
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Why were southerners against California's admission the the union as a free state?

If California entered the Union it would enter as a free state, the balance of power would be broken

Why was the southern states displeased when California was admitted to the union?

It upset the balance of slave & free states,

Why were southern states displeased when California became free?

It upset the balance of slave and free states

The application for California statehood caused turmoil in Congress because?

It would upset the balance between the slave and free states in the Senate. By Paul A Rivera

Why did the North favor allowing California to enter the Union as free state?

It threatened to upset the balance of power between free and slave states.

What compromise did President Monroe approve that provided balance between slave and non-slave holding states by restricting slavery north of the 36 and deg30 line?

The Missouri Comp.

Why was it a problem that California became a free state?

Well, the South and North had disagreements about it. Before they had a balance between free and slave states. If CA would be a free state then it will upset the balance and in a way threaten the South.

Why did people work to keep Balance between the number of slave states and free states?

To keep balance in the u.s.

Was The admission of this state to the Union ended the balance of slave and free state?

California became a free state in 1850, ending the balance of free states and slave states. However, the slave states got a tougher fugitive slave law as a result of California's admission to the Union as a free state.

How did the Congress of Vienna respond to the Napoleonic Wars?

By working to establish a balance of power between European states

Why do California's request to become a state cause a crisist in congress?

In California's state constitution they wanted to be admitted into the union as a free state because miner during the gold rush didn't want to have to compete with slave labor. Southern slave owners didn't want that because it would offset the 15 free states and 15 slaves state balance in the senate. If another free state was added the south would lose power. The south feared if they lost power northerners would abolish slavery.

Did the Missouri compromise preserved the balance between slave states and free states?