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The fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory showed the need for better fire safety and fire evacuation procedures in industrial settings.

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Q: What did the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory show the need for?
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What was the union at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, was a clothing manufacturer, located on the lower east side of Manhattan, that employed a large number of immigrant women workers. The building had not been built in a way that allowed for a quick exit, if the need arose. As a result, when a fire broke out in the factory, the women were trapped and many perished in the fire.

What were the reforms that were put into place because of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire led to significant reforms in workplace safety regulations, including the passage of labor laws that required improved building codes, fire safety standards, and factory inspections. It also spurred the growth of the labor movement and increased public awareness of the need to protect workers' rights.

What New york city disaster underscored urban worker's need for government protection?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911; 146 workers, mostly young women, died because they could not get out of the building or had to jump from high factory windows.

Tragedy at the Triangle Shirtwaist company led to?

building codes requiring fire escapes.The tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company of 1911 drew attention of the need to address workplace safety issues and women's rights.

What are three points of a fire triangle?

The three points in the fire triangle are fuel, heat and oxygen. To stop a fire you need to take one of those elements away from the triangle :)

What is the firefighter's triangle?

if you are referring the fire triangle it is oxygen, heat, fuel. in order to have fire you need all three of these things.

How does a fire triangle work?

All 3 things around the triangle you need to create and sustain fire - heat-fuel-oxygen. If you take any of them out you can not produce or sustain a fire.

What helps start fire?

It is part of the fire triangle. The three things you need are: Heat, Oxygen and Fuel. if you took away one of theese things then a fire would not create.

What do you need for a burning to occur?

Fuel, Oxygen and a spark to ignite the flame. Use the Fire triangle.

What are the 3 ingredients of fire?

For fire you need three main ingredients. First you need a fuel, this fuel can be anything that burns like wood for example. Second you need oxygen, without oxygen a fire cannot burn. Finally you need heat, even though fires give off heat you still need it to start a fire. If you remove any one of these three ingredients then the fire will die.

ABC fire extinguishers extinguish fires by cooling it down.?

True (You Need Heat, Fuel, and Combustible) ABC Extinguishers Cool down the fire breaking the fire triangle by removing the heat.

What is needed for something to burn?

Fire need a fuel, so wood or leaves and of course it needs Oxygen (O2)! That's that. A fire needs three things, feul, oxygen and heat, remove any one and the fire will die.