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The fisherman left behind an old, rusty ax head that Billy found buried in the earth at the campsite. This ax head later becomes an important symbol for Billy's determination and hard work in owning his own pair of coonhounds.

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Q: What did the fisherman leave bihind that billy found Where the Red Fern Grows?
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A hungry fisherman.

Where the Red Fern Grows what did billy find when he returned to cut Dow the sycamore?

When Billy returned to cut down the sycamore tree, he found that a red fern had grown between the two graves of his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann. Billy believed it was a sign of their loyalty and love for each other.

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Billy worked and saved money to order his dogs and his grandfather added a few dollars when he found out Billy hadn't enough money. He got the idea of earning the money for his dogs from visiting a hunters campsite. He would get things for the hunters, do chores, sell his skins from his traps, and work for his grandfather. He kept his money in a baking powder can.

Where can you find an old rod?

The old rod is found by talking to a fisherman at dewford town.

Where the Red Fern Grows what is the family cats name?

In 'Where the Red Fern Grows', the family cat's name is Samie. The family found him when Billy accidentaly cought him in one of his traps!

What types of jobs are found in each region of Georgia?

the types of jobs that are found in Georgia are called fisherman and mostly ship builders

How much gold did Billy Barker find?

Billy Barker found 1,065kg of gold. Your welcome.