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Answer this question…Both were influenced by Enlightenment thinking about equality.

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8y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
They both started over taxes
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David grigg

Lvl 1
1y ago
" Both revolutions were intended to overthrow and unpopular monarchy" [APEX]
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Lvl 5
2y ago

Both revolutions were intended to overthrow an unpopular monarchy. This is the answer on apex

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15y ago

Well, in general terms, the American Revolution came about because the British government did not fully realize the seriousness of the unrest and dissatisfaction which soon developed in its colonies in North America. The British government in London considered the distant colonies more as a possession than as an extension of its territory and people. Ill-will between the British government and its colonies in North America began to develop after 1763. The American colonies had enjoyed a large degree of self-government, and they wanted even greater freedom from British control, so they resented the imposition of stronger British rule and heavier taxes. The colonists refused to pay these taxes, and in 1773 the Boston Tea Party was staged to dump incoming tea into the harbor rather than pay taxes on it. Troops were sent into Massachusetts to strengthen British authority. Other events which aggravated the growing dissatisfaction in the colonies were new laws which limited westward settlement, restricted colonial trade with other countries and required colonists to house British soldiers stationed in their communities. All these laws are passed without consultation of the colonists. When the American Revolution erupted in 1776, King Louis XVI of France supported the American colonies in their bid for independence from the United Kingdom. Little did the King know that he had helped bring about his own downfall. French military and financial support seriously weakened the French economy. In 1789, the same revolutionary fervor crossed the Atlantic Ocean and erupted in France. The effects of these revolutions spread around the world, as absolute monarchies in many other countries were replaced much more peacefully with limited constitutional monarchies, republics and other democracies. The American Revolution officially began with a document, the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The French Revolution officially began with an action, the Storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. The most obvious difference was that the American Revolution resulted in the newly independent United States, whereas the French Revolution overthrew its own government. However, the French people were greatly impressed with the ideals of freedom and democracy sought by the new United States, and these greatly influenced their thinking. In the 1780's, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson came to France as diplomats, and their presence in Paris greatly impressed the French people.

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13y ago

Three ways the French and American Revolution were similar were:

  1. Both France and America had to wage war against Britain.
  2. Both France and America revolted against a higher power.
  3. Both France and America had their own declaration and constitution written during their revolutions.
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12y ago

The French and The American revolutions are the same because both revolutions were against Britain and were for independence i.e.., freedom. The French revolution started by the inspiration of the American revolution.

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15y ago

They both faught for land. They both has strong leaders!

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11y ago

Both of these revolutions were influenced by the ideas of having different forms of government.

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15y ago

The American revolution was one of the lessons for the French revolution and had an important impact on the French Declaratio of the rights of man and the citizen

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