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Q: What did the greek god named Dionysus rule when he was older and not a baby?
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Why did the god Dionysus die?

In Greek mythology, Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, did not die. He was known for his immortality and death was not part of his story. However, in some versions of his myth, he was temporarily killed and then resurrected, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and death.

What is Praxiteles' statue of Hermes and Dionysus?

It's a statue. Nah, Its a statue of Hermes holding the baby Dionysus. The statue is of when he stops to feed Dionysus grapes for his own "excitement."

What is dionysus always shown as?

The Greek god Dionysus (also known as Baccus to the Romans) was represented in art variously as an attractive bearded man, a youth, tending to sensual chubbiness, or even a fat baby. The figure in art is most easily identified by his attributes: grapes, ivy, wine cups, wild animals or animal skins. Because the worship festivals of Dionysus were a driving force behind the development of Greek theatre, he is also represented by a bearded theatrical mask.

Who rescued Dionysus?

Zeus got the baby Dionysus out of Zeus' thigh, where he had matured, gave him to Hermes, who passed him on to some nymphs who brought him up.

Was not the baby Jesus named Joshua?

The two names are essentially the same. Joshua is the Hebrew form, Jesus is the Greek.

Why is dionysus called the resurrecting god?

Zeus became angry with Dionysus' mother, Semele while she was pregnant with him. He slammed her with a thunderbolt, and as she burned down to an ash heap, Zeus grabbed the infant from her womb and sewed it into his own leg. When the infant was strong enough to be born, Zeus cut the stitches, removed the baby and named him Dionysus. Since Dionysus was 'Born Twice,' once when he was pulled from his mother's womb, and again from Zeus' thigh, he was sometimes call the 'Resurrected God.'

Why does Dionysus have problems with Hera?

In one version, Dionysus was the son of another women (either Demeter or Persephone) by Zeus. This made Hera vengeful and she sent her Titans to rip the baby apart. The heart of the baby Dionysus was rescued and Dionysus was recreated and implanted in the womb of Semele. Hera then tricked Semele into asking Zeus to show his true form to her which killed her. Dionysus was able to save her from the underworld though. In another version, Dionysus was the son of Semele and Zeus. Either way, Hera tried to have him killed.

Why did Zeus stitch dionysus into his thigh?

Dionysus' mother was a mortal. Mortals couldn't handle the full godliness of someone like Zeus, and Dionysus' mortal mother couldn't stop begging to see Zeus in his full godliness. Finally, Zeus couldn't take the begging, and he let her see himself for the real him, and she burst into flames. Once Zeus realized that Dionysus was in the womb of his mortal mother, not fully grown, Zeus had Hermes come and rescue Dionysus, and Zeus created a hole in his thigh, where Dionysus could mature into a real baby, instead of a fetus. Once Dionysus was a fully grown baby, Zeus opened up that hole, and out came Dionysus.

What are some interesting facts about the greek god hermes?

He was the Greek messenger god and he was the thief god. That symbol you always see in hospitals with the staff and interwoven snakes that s his rod He is the most popular god because he was playful helpful and innocent He helped nurture the god of wine Dionysus when he was a baby

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one baby, a little girl named Paprika! And the older one, Cinnamon!!.... I think.

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Pink has named her baby Willow

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Moro = Baby