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Q: What did the life of Marie curie tell us about experimental results?
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When do Marie curie died?

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What was Marie Curie's nationality?

Though she spent much of her adult life in Paris, Marie Curie was Polish.

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Where did Marie curie live most of her life?

Poland :0p

If Marie curie was still alive how old would she be?

Eve Curie Labouisse, 102 years of age and daughter of Nobel Laureate Marie Curie, died October 26, 2007.

How did marie curie parents die?

Marie Curie's mother died from tuberculosis when she was 10, and her father died much later in life, possibly due to old age.

What are interisting family information about Marie Curie's family?

Marie Curie's mom died when her mom was 11 and her dad was a really good phsic md. That's most of her life!

Did Marie curie have any friends?

no, she was a crazy radioactive scienist lady!!! Actually, Marie Curie was very social. She was not your typical "crazy scientist lady", she had a life outside of her lab.

What is a What are fact about Marie Curie?

Get a life. In France, she's considered a war hero.

What was life like for Marie Curie?

It was hearse for her because of her mother and sister's death

What was Marie curie's early life?

she was just 10 when her mom died of a disease

How did Marie curie change lifes?

Marie curie changes life by discovering ink that lets people write with also by inventing radioactivity it help discover radium and polonium.