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Non muslims.huh?

Muhammad(pbuh) before quran is known as sinless but after quran they try to make ways to kill muhammad(pbuh) even they can meet him as a enemy with full respect bcoz they used to say muhammad(pbuh) is sinless except quran..!!

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Q: What did the no Muslims do while the prophet muhammed was alive?
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What is the date of birth of the prophet Mohammad?

Sunni Muslims observe the Prophet Muhammed's (also known as Mohammed or Muhammad) birthday on the 12th day of the Islamic month of Rabi' al-awwal, while Shi'a Muslims mark it on the 17th of this month. Muhammed is believed to be the last prophet.

How many wars occurred between Muslims and others while prophet Mohammad was alive?

17 ... thank you

Why do Muslims have certain rituals to carry out while on a pilgrimage?

Muslims always try to follow the Sunnah (the way of Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H) in everything. Pilgrimage (Hajj ) is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and the way to perform has been narrated and taught in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H ( Holy Prophet P.B.U.H himself performed Hajj in his life) which is that muslims follow. the important things to be done in pilgrimage are also narrated in Hadith ( sayings of Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H).

Is Muhammed a god?

No, a prophet.Muhammad (محمد), was a man from Mecca who unified Arabia into a single religious polity under Islam. Believed by Muslims and Bahá'ís to be a messenger and prophet of God, Muhammad, with the exception of Ahmadi Muslims, almost universally considered by Muslims as the last prophet sent by God to mankind. While non-Muslims regard Muhammad to have been the founder of Islam, Muslims consider him to have restored the unaltered original monotheistic faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets.

Who converted the Qur'an into book form?

It was written by both prophet Muhammed ( Peace be upon him & his family) and later by his cousin and son in law Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib ( Peace be upon him ) Prophet Muhammed was writing the things that were revealed to him by God, while Ali wrote down what Muhammed told him what God revealed to Muhammed which was then put into words.

Who is considered the forefather of the Jews and is also regarded as a prophet by the Muslims?

Out of the loins of Abraham came the jews, while the Muslims regard him as the one and only prophet who was worth of mention in the Kuran. The Islamic people refer to his a Father Abraham.

What are the two major divisions of the Muslim Community?

That would probably be Shiites and Sunnis. Both pray to Allah(swt) and follow the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The difference is that Sunnis believe the first four caliphs were the rightful successors of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) as they were his closest companions during his rule. Shiites insist that true leaders of Islam must be descendants of Ali, the fourth caliph and Muhammed's son in-law. By the way, Sunnis account for about 85 percent of the world's Muslims while the Shiite Muslims Account for about 15 percent of the world's Muslims.

How different are Islamic beliefs to Christian beliefs?

The biggest difference in beliefs alone is that Christians believe that Jesus is Christ while Muslims believe that Jesus was a great prophet although the greatest prophet in Islam is Muhammad.

Why was the Islam religion split?

It was just due to some Muslims believed that Aly Ibn Abou Taleb should be the Muslim Ruler successor after death of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for being from the prophet family and husband of the prophet daughter while others nominated the successor through election. However, it is not a real splitting. All Muslims believe in the same prophet, same Quran, and perform same ritual worships.

Can Muslims eat animal slaughtered after stunning?

No, Muslim can eat only the animal slaughtered while alive not slaughtered after being dead.

What was Saudi Arabia like before muhammed became prophet?

Arabs were living in tribes and usually tribes were fighting each other. they had 360 deities as God in Kaaba and prayed them. they believed daughter babies are bad and buried them under soil while they were alive. they believed stars are daughters of God. they had low level of cleaning and health. because there was desert the main business was trading.

What was the essential dispute within Islam over the succession to the Prophet?

The essential dispute within Islam over the succession to the Prophet involved who should inherit leadership. The Sunni believed it was permissible for Muslims to elect their leader while Shiite thought that the leader needed to be a direct descendent of Muhammad.