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Q: What did the nobles do for the king in return of the land?
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A political and social custom in medieval europe politically the king granted land to the nobles in return for there loyalty?

A fief was the granting of land in return for loyalty.

What is the difference between medievel and renaissance nobles?

The medieval nobles were the richest people during their time. The renaissance nobles were a step down from royalty. They helped to protect the king and in return land was given to them.

Turned their land over to nobles in return for protection from invaders?

Coloni, or small farmers, turned their land over to nobles in return for protection from invaders.

Does the king of the middle ages gave lands to nobles?

The King does give the land to the Nobles so they can help fight to defend the King's land, him and his kingdom (castle).

What is a feudal government?

Feudal government was an unfair system used in ancient timesFeudalism involves a hierarchy consisting of a king, nobles, and peasants. The king grants land to the nobles and the nobles have peasants work the land. The peasants are provided shelter, food, and protection in exchange for increasing the wealth of the nobles.

A large section of land granted by a king to a lord is called a?

Fiefs were portions of lands granted to nobles by the king. The king required loyalty, protection, and service for this land.

What was the feudal system and the job responsibility of each level?

Basically.... The feudal system was the system of governing in the middle ages. it was based on the dividing and allocation of land in return for service. people would swear and oath to the lord of the land, and the oath was binding until one of the men died. it was divided into four levels: King- he would govern the country. He would also divide the land amongst the nobles. Nobles - in exchange for land, they would promise to supply the king with soldiers in times of war. The nobles would divide their land amongst the lower nobles and knights in turn, the knights would swear an oath to serve the nobles. Knights - would serve the nobles, and would further divide their land among the peasants Peasants - were the lowest class. they were charged high taxes on their land, and would work the land. they had next to no rights. It's a little more complicated than that, but this is basically it.

What are nobles who swore loyalty to the king in exchange for land?

Feudal Lords were the ones who swore loyalty in exchange for land. They controlled all of the land.

Who does a knight fight for?

Knights fought for their land and nobles before the king was considered and only when the king paid them would they then fight for him

What is feudilisim?

in geography- A system of obligations that bound lords and their subjects in Europe during much of the Middle Ages. In theory, the king owned all or most of the land and gave it to his leading nobles in return for their loyalty and military service. The nobles in turn held land that peasants, including serfs, were allowed to farm in return for the peasants' labor and a portion of their produce. Under feudalism, people were born with a permanent position in society.

Do nobles own land?

Yes the nobles own land.

When was Nobles Land Bank created?

Nobles Land Bank was created in 2020.