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They called it the plague, although plague was a word for an outbreak of disease generally. "A plague upon it" is an extremely common expression in Shakespeare. A book of remedies for the plague, published during the 1593 outbreak, has the amusing title "A defensatiue against the plague: contayning two partes or treatises: the first, shewing the meanes how to preserue vs from the dangerous contagion thereof: the second, how to cure those that are infected therewith. Whereunto is annexed a short treatise of the small poxe: shewing how to gouerne and helpe those that are infected therewith. Published for the loue and benefit of his countrie by Simon Kellwaye Gentleman" Note that the plague was called "the plague", and smallpox "the small poxe".

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Q: What did the people during Shakespeare's time call the plague?
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Shakespeare and the other playwrights involved in the globe theatre wrote and preformed plays They call themselves The Chamberlains Men Why did they call themselves this?

Their patron was the Lord Chamberlain, a wealthy noble that allowed them to use his name so that they would be permitted to travel to the country during plague closings of the theater to perform and get paid. later, they recived the patronage of King James, becoming the King's Men.

What do you call nosey people?

nosey people.

What do you call a gathering of spectators during a performance?

An audience.

Where does Shakespeares play Twelfth Night get its name?

It isn't known but there was another play at the same time called "What You Will". It's possible that Shakespeare may have wanted to call this one "What You Will" but didn't want to get them confused. So possibly his play was opening on Twelfth Night, so he used that for the name.

What major disaster happened during Shakespeare's time?

What closed the theatres during Shakespeare's time, was The Bubonic Plague. But it is wrong to call it a "disaster" because that suggests that it was an event which happened once. Plague was a disease which had been troubling Europe for two hundred years by the time Shakespeare came along. There would be an outbreak in one town or city which would last a few months and then reoccur later. There was one outbreak at the time of Shakespeare's birth in Stratford, and a later one took the life of his younger sister Anne. When there was a plague outbreak in London the authorities closed the theatres to try to control the spread of the disease. This happened several times when Shakespeare was in the business. Usually the playing companies responded by going on tour in towns outside of London, but this was never as profitable as playing the London theatres. The plague closure of 1593-4 went on so long that it bankrupted a number of playing companies.

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William shakespeares nicknames?

People sometimes call him the Bard of Avon.

What did they call the black plague back then?

Black plague

Was the black plague after the fall of Rome?

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Why did people call the black death the Bubbonic Plague?

Becuase the plagues name was bubbonical

Why was the doctor in 1664 was call the plague doctor?

Because they tried to cure the plague. Doctor who cures the plague --> plague doctor.

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a plague of locust

How can you treat what they call 'vinyl plague'?

it is no known how to cure it

What do we call the plague that devastated the population of Europe from 1346 to 1351?

We call it the Black Death.

What do greek people call vampires?

Well, the Greek wordnosophoros ("carrier of the plague") evolved into the Slavic word nosufur-atu which is a synonym for the word "vampire". so one can safely assume if the Greek don't call them "vampires", they call them "nosophoros"

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