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Q: What did the people of the Indus Valley use to measure time?
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the people of the Indus Valley were creating an irrigation system

What is a valid conclusion about civilization in the Indus Valley?

People lived there for some time.

What is a generalization about the role trade played in the life of the people of the Indus River Valley?

It was sometimes difficult for the people of the Indus valley because if the farmers were not able to get any food at the time of need then all the people would die of starvation

What group of nomads found their way into the Indus Valley and helped create Hinduism?

according to historians aryans first settled in indus valley and founded Hinduism. aryans had Brahmanism as their religion before moving to indus valley, which evolved into Hinduism as time passed.

According to the chart the what ended at about the same time?

Indus Valley civilization

What was the time period of the indus valley?

from 3300 BC to 1300 BC

What form of writing was develpoed during the time of the Indus Valley Civilization?


Where was Hinduism's origin?

Hinduism originated in the Indus Valley in India and from the Aryan race. Hinduism formed from the combination of the natives of the Indus Valley and the Aryans, who invaded some time around 3000 BC. The cow being holy is one example of an idea brought by the Aryan race.

How is Brahmanism develop into Hinduism?

Brahmanism is associated with Aryans. When they entered Indus valley after a long time their belief blended into Hinduism.

What event happened around the same time as the end of the early Indus Valley civilization?

the event which happened was the industrial revolution.

What is the name of the geographic region in which the indus valley located?

It is the current day Pakistan. It existed in ancient time. It is thought to be a modern civilization.

Why did people use hourglasses?

To measure time. To measure time. To measure time.