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Q: What did the pharaohs spend their wealth on during the Middle Kingdom?
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Which of these events did not occur during the Middle Kingdom in Egypt?

pharaohs spent egypt's wealth on irrigation projects

What did the pharaohs of the middle kingdom spend the nations wealth on?

public works.

What was source of Nubia's wealth?

The wealthy kingdom of Nubia had important gold mines. Pharaohs of the middle kingdom conquered Nubia and used its wealth.

What two things brought wealth to the pharaoh during the new kingdom?

During the New Kingdom, which lasted from about 1550 to 1050 BC, conquest and trade brought wealth to the pharaohs.

What contributed to most to nubia wealth?

The wealthy kingdom of Nubia had important gold mines. Pharaohs of the middle kingdom conquered Nubia and used its wealth.

Why were the pharaohs so rich?

There were limestone and rock quarries nearby, which they `farmed` and sold.

What did the first pharaohs of the new kingdom use to keep track of of the growing wealth?


What two factors contribute to Egypt wealth during the New Kingdom?

The two factors that contributed to Egypt's wealth during the New Kingdom were conquest and trade.I believe two factores contributed to Egypts wealth during the New Kingdom were the conquest and trading.


The two factors that contributed to Egypt's wealth during the New Kingdom were conquest and trade.I believe two factores contributed to Egypts wealth during the New Kingdom were the conquest and trading.

What two things brought wealth to the Pharaohs during the New Kindom?

The two things that brought wealth to the Pharoahs were their power and their loyalty to his/her citizens

What factors contributed to Egypt wealth during the kingdom?

Conquest and Trade.

What contributed to Egypt's wealth during the new kingdom?

Conquest and Trade.