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many treasures. but also normal things for use in the afterlife

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all valuables

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Q: What did the pharaohs take with them in the pyramids?
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Related questions

Are pyramids built for burying kings or pharaohs?

Pharaohs were the Egyptian kings. Though the egyptians did not call them kings, but pharaohs. So the pyramids were built fir pharaohs/kings.

What are pyramids and what were the used for?

pyramids are what the pharaohs lived in and it had their tombs

Who were pyramids made for?

The Pharaohs.

Who where the pyramids made for?

The pyramids were made for the PHARAOHS!!! BY YOO-JIN

When were pharaoh buried in pyramids?

Pharaohs were buried in the pyramids when they died

Did all pharaohs in ancient Egypt have pyramids?

No, mostly just pharaohs were buried in pyramids. Some pharaohs actually killed servants to take with them to the afterlife. Pharaohs paid the embalmer to mummify the servants. To the servants it would be a great honor to be mummified and be taken to the afterlife with their king.

What are in the Egyptian pyramids?

Mummies of pharaohs.

Where did egyptians bury there pharaohs?


Why were pyramids built in anicent Egypt?

Pyramids were burial places for the Pharaohs

What was the egyptian pyramids used for?

the great pyramids were used for the goods that king kufu has and to hold the kings and the queens chamber so nobody they know will take or steal the goods that kufu and his queen has in there chambers

Why were the pyramids actually built?

The pyramids were built to house the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs. The Egyptians believed that the pyramids would help the pharaohs move onto the next stage of life.

Where were pharaohs buried?

In Egypt, the pharaohs were buried in Valley of the Kings.