

What did the saints do in Christianity?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Saints are just Christians.

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Q: What did the saints do in Christianity?
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There are several saints named Augustine. Please be more specific.

How can the polytheistic religion of Latter Day Saints be considered a denomination of Christianity?

There is no copyright on the term 'Christianity' and there is no central agency that registers Christian denominations. There is only a general understanding of what 'Christianity' means. A reasonable statement can be that if Latter Day Saints worship Christ and consider themselves Christians, then they are Christians.

When was St. Augustine's conversion to Christianity?

There are a number of saints named Augustine. Please be specific.

What are some holy day for Christianity?

Sunday, Easter, Christmas, Pentecost, & various Saints' Days.

Can you be Catholic without praying to saints?

No, you are not required to pray to the saints if you are Catholic. However, it would be hard to understand why someone would not want to participate in this wonderful resource. However, if you do not believe in the Communion of Saints, you can not be a Catholic. The Communion of Saints is one of the basic tenets of Christianity.

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the people that make up the church. Another View: The hierarchy of Christianity is: God, The Father, His Son, and eventually all the saints rewarded as deserved.

How did Saint Augustine spread the word of Christianity?

There are several saints named Augustine. Please be more specific.

Are saints bad people in The Bible?

No, saints in the Bible are not bad people. In Christianity, saints are typically regarded as individuals who demonstrate exceptional virtue, faith, and devotion to God. They are seen as models of holiness and examples for others to follow in their spiritual journey.

Is idol worship allowed in Christianity?

AnswerSome early dissenters questioned the Catholic practice of making statues of its saints and then kneeling down and praying before them. However, the official Catholic position is that this differs from idol worship because the saints are only 'venerated' and because prayers to saints are only for intercession to God. This practice is the closest that modern Christianity comes to what is called idol worship.

What is the term describing the worship of saints?

The term is "saint veneration" or "saint worship", which refers to the practice of honoring saints for their holiness and intercession. It is a common practice in many branches of Christianity, particularly in Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

What date did Saint Thomas become a saint and why?

There was no formal process for recognising saints before the sixth century. The earlier saints were simply recognised as saints because of what was known, or believed, about their lives and contributions to Christianity. Thomas was accepted as a saint, because he was said to be a disciple of Jesus.

What are some important books in Christianity other than the bible?

books and stories of saints study guides to help understand the bible. . .