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The Sons of Liberty were responsible for the Boston Tea Party.

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Q: What did the sons of liberty form?
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What year did Sons of Liberty form?

The Sons of Liberty formed the year after the Stamp Act. Can you find that out? The Sons of Liberty formed the year after the Stamp Act. Can you find that out?

When did Sons of Liberty form?

The phrase of "sons of liberty" is often referred to as the patriots of the American Revolutionary War.

Why did the sons of the liberty form?

Sons of Liberty formed to lead popular protests against the Stamp Act.

How did Paul Revere form the sons of liberty?


Why the son of liberty form?

Sons of Liberty formed to lead popular protests against the Stamp Act.

When did the sons and daughters of liberty form?

Early summer of 1765 in Boston Massachusetts

What did Thomas Jefferson do in the sons of liberty?

Thomas Jefferson didn't do anything for the Sons of Liberty. Samuel Adams was the leader of Sons of liberty

What was the sons of liberty about and who started it?

The Sons of Liberty were men making secret meetings against the British. They had a secret tree also known as the liberty tree. I do not know who started the sons of liberty. The sons of liberty also dumped tea into the British harbor.

Secret organizations opposed to the stamp tax?

Sons Of Liberty

What was the name of the group that protested against laws like the stamp act?

That was pretty much the Sons of Liberty group.

What organization organized the Boston Tea Party?

The Sons of Liberty. They were originally started by many people, including Samuel Adams.

Why are the Sons of Liberty considered patriots?

Because the Sons Of Liberty were against the the british Government.