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Q: What did the third estate create after it decided to leave the estates general?
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Did the estate general go with the 3 estate- yes or no?

The Estates general (Etats-Generaux) IS the 3 Estates (Clergy, Nobility, Commons) taken as a whole.

When the estates general met in 1789 which estate represented the most people?

The Third Estate.

How many votes did each Estate have in the Estates General?


How was the membership of the national assembly different from that of the estate general?

The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.

Why didn't Louis XIV call a meeting of the Estates-general?

By calling the Estates-General Louis the XIV would be at a disadvantage because it would give more power to the 1st Estate and the 2nd Estate. He would be losing power and he had no reason to call on the Estates-General. Louis the XVIII had to call on the Estates-General because the country was about to go bankrupt and he had no other choice but to call on the Estates-General and ask them for a loan.

Each estate elected its own deputies to what body?

Estates General

How was the membership of the National Assembly different from the Estates General?

The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.

How was the membership of the national assembly difference from that of the Estates General?

The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.

The first estate in the estates- general was?

The Clergy. The second estate was the nobility, and the third was the commoners (everyone else)

How was the membership of the national assembly different different from that of the estates general?

The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.

What were the three groups of people who made up the Estates General or France's first parliament?

The French Estates General was made up of three main groups. This first Parliament consisted of the First Estates of clergy, the Second Estate of nobility, and the Third Estate of commoners.

What estates comprised the Estates-General?

The Estates-General (or States-General) of 1789 (French: Les États-Généraux de 1789) was the first meeting since 1614 of the French Estates-General, a general assembly consisting of representatives from all but the poorest segment of the French citizenry. The independence from the Crown which it displayed paved the way for the French Revolution.