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Q: What did the third estate do after the king rejected their list of grievances?
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Where did King Louis XVI get most of his income from?

By taxing the Third Estate.

Who were the political enemies of King Louis XVI?

It could be the Third Estate

How many grievances against the king of England were there?

how many grievances were listed against the King of England

King Louis xvi refused to listen to the third estate?

Louis XVI was not a good leader and felt it was better not to lose the favor of the two smaller Estates. He denied a request by the Third Estate to have the votes counted by the head rather than the estate. As a result, the Third Estate saw they could not reason with the king and this opened the path to revolution.

What is grievances?

it explains the complains to king george 3

Who paid the taxes in France and to whom?

People of the third estate i.e. peasants , servants etc paid the tax to the king. -Tanmana

What were the grievances of the third estate in France on the eve of the french revolution?

When the National Assembly managed to get grudging, provisional and essentially false agreement from the King for a new constitution of limited monarchy, every town and country didtrict in France was invited to send in a Cahier de Doléance (notebook of grievances) explaining what their grumbles were against the old state of things, and what they would like improved.

What unfair conditions existed in pre- revolutionary France?

1. The first and second estates were exempt from most taxes (taille, or land tax), while the third estate was not 2. The third estate was forced to pay feudal dues to the nobles and the king 3. There was no redress for the land damage of the third estate homes 4. The higher estates banned hunting that was necessary for survival among the people of the third estate

Was Declaring war on the colonies listed in the grievances against the British King?

There were 27 grievances from the colonies against the British King, King George. Some of the grievances were about the welfare of the people. There is no full and complete list in circulation to confirm in war was one of the grievances but many people believe that it was.

Why do you think king Louis Xvi gave in at the first to some of the demands of the third estate?

He was afraid of the Third Estate because it was so big :) <<< Also, he was very easily persuaded . -- Kiera

Why do you think king Louis xvi gave in at first to some of the demands of third estate?

He was afraid of the Third Estate because it was so big :) <<< Also, he was very easily persuaded . -- Kiera

What are the grievances found in the declaration?

The grievances found in the Declaration of Independence are a list of ruthless actions that The British King did to the colonists. grievances