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They thought she was loud (she was), somewhat poorly brought up (she wasn't), and a bit of a know-it-all (from time to time, yes, but not nearly as bad as Mrs. van Pels herself). There were also aspects of Anne's character they liked, too - it wasn't like they hated her.

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1mo ago

The van Pels family, who lived in hiding with Anne Frank and her family, had a generally positive opinion of her. Mr. van Pels got along well with Anne, while Mrs. van Pels found her to be talkative and opinionated. Both families faced challenges and tensions during their time in hiding.

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13y ago

FYI, the van Daan family was actually the van Pels. Hermann van Pels worked for Otto Frank's company. No blood relation.

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The seven individuals who hid with Anne Frank in the secret annex were her parents, Otto and Edith Frank, her sister Margot Frank, the van Pels family (Hermann, Auguste, and Peter), and Fritz Pfeffer.

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In addition to Anne Frank and her family (Margot, Otto, and Edith), the other four individuals who lived in the hideout were Hermann and Auguste van Pels, their son Peter, and Fritz Pfeffer, a dentist.

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Mr. Frank included Mr. van Pels in his planning almost from the beginning.

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The Van Daans were the other family that lived with Anne Frank and her family in the Secret Annex.

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Family members: Otto Frank (Anne's father) Edith Frank (Anne's mother) Margot Frank (Anne's sister) Non-family: Herman & Auguste van Pels and their son, Peter (Joined in late July 1942) Fritz Pfeffer (Joined in November 1942)

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The van Pels family (consisting of Herman, Auguste, and Peter) also hid with the Frank family during World War II. They shared the Secret Annex with the Franks and were discovered and arrested by the Nazis along with them in 1944.

Who did Anne live with in annex?

Anne Frank lived in the annex with her family: her parents, Otto and Edith Frank, and her sister, Margot. They were joined by another family, the Van Pels (Van Daan in Anne's diary), consisting of Hermann, Auguste, and their son Peter, as well as Fritz Pfeffer.

Who was with Anne Frank when she was captured?

Anne Frank was captured along with her family members, including her sister Margot, her parents Edith and Otto Frank, and four other people who were hiding in the secret annex: Hermann and Auguste van Pels, their son Peter van Pels, and Fritz Pfeffer.

Who were the people living with Anne Frank in the annex?

Anne Frank was living in hiding with her parents, Otto and Edith Frank, and her older sister, Margot. The Van Pels family (Hermann, Auguste, and Peter) and Fritz Pfeffer, often referred to as Mr. Dussel, also lived with them in the annex during the Holocaust.

Who is peter van pels'es dad?

Peter Van Pels was a boy who lived in "the secret annex" with Anne Frank and her family. Van Pels' father was Hermann Van Pels. He worked with Anne's father, so that was why the Franks' brought the Van Pels with them into their hiding place.

Who was in hiding with Anne Frank?

Margot Frank, Edith Frank-Hollander, Otto Frank, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels, and Fritz Pfeffer.