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Q: What did their long well-oiled hair symbolize to the greasers?
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Why was Ponybuy so reluctant to have his hair cut?

Greasers have long hair, short hair is not cool.

What two features were the Greasers proud of?

Their rep and their long, greasy hair.

What is the greasers warning call in the outsiders?

Their long, greased back hair.

Do greasers like being called greasers?

i would say yes, they are proud of who they are....... and i would defidently say that thy would rather be greasers then socs!

For the out siders how did bob describle GREASER?

bob described greasers as white trash with long hair

According to ponyboy why do the courts cut people's hair?

The courts cut people's hair because Johnny says that it's a way of "breaking them". Since Greasers are very poor, the symbol of who they are are their long greasy hair. They can't afford mustangs or madras or rings like the socs that symbolize they are the richer group. The court believes that by cutting the only thing that the Greasers have- their hair- it would be a way of breaking them since they can't take anything else away from them.

In what way does Darry look different from the other greasers?

He wears his hair short. Everyone else wears it long and slicked back with grease.

What did greasers look like?

According to the socs, greasers look like white trash with long greasy hair

How does ponyboy describe the way decent girls look at greasers?

The dress nice and show lotz of skin and were long hair with fell and put lots of jewelry and show cleavage

Why is ponyboy upset about getting his hair cut and bleached?

Greasers were know for their long heavily greased hair, it was their pride and joy. When Ponyboy gets his hair cut he basically loses his identity/pride. Plus Ponyboy was known for having the best "tuff" hair.

What did the long white hair symbolize on the ghost of Christmas past?

I would assume it is meant as a symbol of the purity and innocence of childhood, or the past.

Why was it so important when the greasers met the two socs girls at the movies in the outsiders?

Greaser Hair: The greasers cannot afford rings, cars, or other materialistic symbols of power that the Socs have. Therefore, their hair is their symbol of identity. By wearing their hair long, greasers differentiate themselves from other social groups. It is not only distinctive, but, is truly a vital part of the greaser persona. When the Socs jump Ponyboy at the beginning of the book, they ask him if he wants a haircut and threaten to cut off his hair robbing him of his identity. Later in the story, Ponyboy and Johnny cut off their hair and dye it. This act symbolizes them stepping outside of their "comfort zone" and leaving behind the security of conformity within their group to grow as individuals.