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Starved them. Forced them to work as slave labour. Conducted torturous medical experiments on them. Separated them from their parents and family. Heaped verbal abuse on them. Allowed them to suffer sickness without medical care. Killed their parents, and killed them for the slightest cause, on a whim, or for no reason at all.

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16y ago

Thet took the children to a home with mades to look after them and give them food and drinks Thet took the children to a home with mades to look after them and give them food and drinks

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Q: What did they do with the kids under 10 at the concentrations camps during World War 2?
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Where were Jews that were under german control sent during the world war 2?

Mostly camps in Poland.

How do you compare early to late concentration camps during World War 2?

late camps were under the remit of the Holocaust, they also suffered from a lack of supplies, fanatical but less able guards

What were the concentration camp like for the Indians?

It was not indians that were in concentration camps. However during world war 2 the nazis under order of hitler took jewish people and captured them unwillingly into the concentration camps.

Were all concentration and death camps ran by Germans?

No, several concentration camps were run by Canadian and American troops in North America during the war (though they weren't called concentration camps; they were called internment camps). They were established mostly to keep Japanese Americans and Canadians under the watchful eye of the military during the war.

If you were in prison during world war 2 and you were a Jew would you go to concentration camps?

Prisoners of war in World War 2 were treated under the Geneva convention for combatants. They would not have been sent to concentration camps. If you had been put in prison for a crime, there was a good chance you would end up in a concentration camp.

What kind of punishments did jewish people get?

During World War II, many Jewish families were captured and sent to concentration camps. They were forced to do labor under harsh conditions. They were often starved, tortured, and exterminated.

How did the Concentration Camps during World War 2 relate to Human Nature?

they would bring out the true character of people. Prisoners would be under extreme conditions, as such people would react in different ways and show their nature.

When did the holecoust occur?

The holocaust began in 1941. This is when the Germans under Hitler's command began to use chemicals to kill massive amounts of people in concentration camps. These events took place in Europe during World War II.

What did they do with the kids in concentration camps?

In extermination camps kids (under 14, and often under 15) were gassed as soon as practical after arrival.

What would the children do if they had free time in the concentration camps during the Holocaust?

Usually children under 15 were gassed soon after arrival. The Nazis had no use for them.

Who was adolf Hitler and what role did he play during world war 2?

Adolf Hitler was the chancellor of Germany and dictator of the Nazi party. Hitler wanted the extinction of all Jews, who he believed to be the enemy of the German people. Under Hitler's dictatorship, approximately 6 million Jewish people were killed in concentration camps during World War 2.

How many Jews were still alive after the Holocaust including the ones not in death camps all along?

The number of Jewish survivors from concentration camps, labour camps and the like still alive at the end of World War 2 in Europe is estimated at 200,000. (Please see the related question). However, if you are asking how many Jews in areas that were under Nazi rule at one time or other during World War 2 survived, the figure would be much higher - probably around 1.5 million.