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They spotted a conch. the conch.hellyea.

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Q: What did they spot in the sand in the book lord of the flies?
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In lord of the flies What do they spot in the sand and what is the boys first reaction?

They spot a conch. (which is a shell) Their reation is very excited because they are thinking about what they could do with it.

Who gives away Ralph's final hiding spot in lord of the flies?

One of the twins. Whether it was Sam or Eric, the book never really says.

What do the boys spot in the sitting of the bottom of the lagoon in lord of the flies?

A pig.

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sand paper

Does Helm's Deep have a weak spot in The Lord of the Rings?

The culvert .

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How does a land form form in an ocean?

the sand goes in a certain spot mate :)

What to look for when finding a spot in the beach?

Sand, flat surface, not too close to beach, not too many rocks in sand and enough space

What if the Great Red Spot was on Earth?

if you are on the moon you can see it and the earth would have red sand

What do they spot in the sand in The Lord of the Rings?

I don't recall anything being spotted in the sand... but there was something spotted in the dirt, if that's what you're referring to. When Merry and Pippin were being carried by orcs, Merry deliberately dropped the clasp on his cloak from Lothlorien on the ground, hoping that Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli would eventually find it and know which way they were being taken.

How do you get to the temple on the isle of gust in the phantom of the hourglass?

you use the wind to jump from one spot to the other. there is sand that is a different color on the ground. you are to follow the path of the sand

Where does Simon go Lord of the floes?

In "Lord of the Flies," Simon goes to a secluded spot in the jungle to meditate and have a spiritual experience. He is seeking answers about the nature of the "beast" and the darkness within the other boys on the island. However, tragically, this moment of introspection ends in his untimely death at the hands of the other boys who mistake him for the beast.