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hunt, protect themselves, and build houses

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6mo ago

Tools invented in the Stone Age enabled people to hunt and gather food more effectively, as well as to build shelters and create clothing. They provided humans with the ability to shape and modify their environment, leading to advances in survival and the development of early societies.

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Q: What did tools invented in the stone age enable people to do?
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magnify glass
Related questions

Why were tools invented in the stone ages?

So people could make things...

Where were stone tools invented?

Stone tools were first invented in different parts of the world by prehistoric humans between 2.5 million and 10,000 years ago. Some of the earliest known stone tools have been found in Africa, primarily in East Africa and South Africa, as well as in regions such as Europe and Asia.

What advances in technology did people in the Stone Age make?

the stone age people invented wheels which later on turn'd into tires. they also made sharp tools which we use today as knives.

What did Neolithic people invent?

Neolithic people invented agriculture, pottery, weaving, and the use of tools made from stone and bone. They also developed early forms of architecture, such as mud-brick houses and megalithic structures.

What tools were used in the fifteen hundreds?

Stone tools because that was the time that people used stone tools aka stone age

What things were invented in the New stone age?

stone head spears and other hunting tools

What is the answer for what characterized the old stone age the middle stone age and the new stone age?

The old stone age was characterized by not having tools. The middle stone was characterized by having invented tools. The new stone age was characterized by farming and having better tools.

What technology advances did the people make in the new stone age?

the stone age people invented wheels which later on turn'd into tires. they also made sharp tools which we use today as knives.

Did stone age people have tools?

Yes, they were made out of stone, that was why it was called the stone age.

Rough or chipped stone tools were a mark of which ages?

Rough or chipped stone tools were markers from the Stone Ages. The Stone Ages were when people first began to use stones as tools for hunting and fishing.

How did stone age people get tools?

they made it

Why do you call it the stone age?

People call it the Stone Age because of the about of stone tools at the time.