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He was a member of the A-Team.

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Q: What did vice president Hannibal Hamlin do on his spare time?
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How old is Hannibal Hamlin?

Hannibal Hamlin was born on August 27, 1809 and died on July 4, 1891. Hannibal Hamlin would have been 81 years old at the time of death or 205 years old today.

Who was vice president at time of Abraham Lincoln?

Hannibal Hamlin was Lincoln's running mate in the 1860 election and was Vice President during most of Lincoln's presidency. Andrew Johnson was Lincoln's running mate in 1864. He took office as Vice President the month before Lincoln was killed.

Who won the presidential election 1860?

Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate was elected US president in 1860. His running mate was Hannibal Hamlin from Maine. The was the first time that a Republican president was elected.This was true, what deflates and at the same time credits, the accomplishment was that the Republican Party was less than 10 years old.

Who would have been the President had someone assassinated Abraham Lincoln before he took the oath of office the first time?

Hannibal Hamlin (vice president-elect). Lincoln was elected on November 6, 1860. He took the oath of office or was inaugurated on March 4, 1861. Andrew Johnson was not elected vice president until 1864.

What does the President like to do in his spare time?

Watch cartoon, play golf, mess around with Boo and his kids.

What time did the Hannibal invade rome?

In 218 BC Hannibal invaded Rome.

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what do celebs do in there spare time

Vice president that was not the same party as president?

In 1796, when John Adams was elected President, the Vice Presidency went to his opponent, Thomas Jefferson. At that time, instead of electing the Vice President separately, whoever finished second in the Presidential election became Vice President, and Jefferson received more votes than Adams' running mate, Thomas Pinckney.In 1864, when Republican President Abraham Lincoln ran for reelection, instead of running with his Vice President, Hannibal Hamlin, again, he ran with Democrat Andrew Johnsonas National Union Party candidates.

Did Hannibal win or was he beaten?

Hannibal was beaten, big time. He ended his life on the run.

What is the Welsh for 'spare time'?

spare time is, amser rhydd

Who is the Afi top villain of all time?

Dr. Hannibal Lector Dr. Hannibal Lector

Did Abraham Lincoln have 2 vice presidents in 1 term?

No. His only real major political office before president was one term in Congress (as a member of the Whig party) under President James K. Polk. Lincoln did attempt to run as Vice President nominee of the Republican party in 1856, but he was ultimately unsuccessful.