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There were no dentists, as such, during the Middle Ages. People who needed dental care went to surgeons instead. Surgeons were not taught in a medical school, as a physician would have been, but were apprenticed. A toothache might have been treated with herbs. More likely, the tooth would be pulled.

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Q: What did your dentist do when you had a toothache in Medieval Times?
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Is the treatment different for persistent toothache and intermittent toothache?

When talking about a toothache , the best person who can answer all your concern is the dentist.

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I suggest you must talk to an expert, a dentist.

How do you know if you have a cavity without seeing the dentist?

The dentist would inform me that I lost a tooth.

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Go to the dentist.

What did your do when you had a toothache in Medieval Times?

i dont think they would have had that many dental issues as there is now due too lack of acid food back then

Who recommends this particular dentist in the westing game?

Sam Westing recommends Dr. Sikes as the dentist for everyone in Sunset Towers.

How long does a toothache last?

A toothache can last for weeks or months until you visit a dentist. Orajel tooth desentisizer is very good on toothaches.The natural course for an untreated toothache caused by a cavity or other decay is: bad ---> worse ----> abscess --->death. This is generally viewed as bad. Inserting a visit to he dentist early in the sequence can avoid the abscess/death part.

I went to the emergency room for a toothache was given amoxicillin yet cant see the dentist for three weeks when I run out of the amoxicillin can take penicillin?

I guess when you have an emergency for a toothache and your dentist prescribes you an antibiotic, if you run out then you would have to go back to your dentist. The reason for that is, you have too be prescribed the same medication and not mix them. I suggest that you get a refill. The point is, you should not mix the medication.

Is your dentist obliged to see you if you have severe tooth ache?

No, the dentist is not required to see you. However, they probably will, since severe toothache often means something important and thus more money for them.

How do you deal with a toothache the dentist refuses to fix?

I would think that the dentist would agree, but try putting ice in a towel and wrap it around your head so that the ice is on your chin or try a heating pad.