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Q: What dided Warren G. Harding do to avoid being pulled into war?
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What is Warren G. Harding's appearance?

He was described in the press of his time as being handsome.

Who took office after Warren G. Harding's mysterious death and was known for being quiet?

Calvin Coolidge

In The Crucible Mary Warren tells Proctor that the accused will not hang if they do what?

They must lie to avoid being hanged

Did Warren G. Harding have black ancestors?

Actually it was talked about and from your question is still being talked about it . You won't find it in the history books because it was not verifiable as fact.

Which president was poisioned by his wife?

Warren Harding died suddenly and some people believed his wife poisoned him. No proof was found, but there weere some odd circumstances connected with Harding death. There was a book wriitten to accuse her soon after the death.

Which US president served from 1923 -1929?

Calvin Coolidge became the 30th President on August 3, 1923 when Warren G. Harding died in office. President Coolidge served the remainder of Harding's term and one term of his own before being succeeded by Herbert Hoover on March 4, 1929.

Which president served from 1923 to1929?

Calvin Coolidge became the 30th President on August 3, 1923 when Warren G. Harding died in office. President Coolidge served the remainder of Harding's term and one term of his own before being succeeded by Herbert Hoover in 1929.

How was Calvin Coolidge elected president?

He was the vice president when President Harding died on August 3, 1923. He was re-elected in 1924 to a full term of his own.

Was William Howard Taft a chief justice of the supreme court?

After being appointed by President Warren G. Harding, former President William Howard Taft served as Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1921-1930.

What was Warren G. Harding political slogan?

Certainly he is known for the saying in 1920 : America's present need is not for heroics, but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration. History remembers his presidency as being one of the most corrupt administrations.

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What are the events being pulled from the next Olympics?

Softball is one sport being pulled.