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the commoners acted more civilized than the commoners which would usually just get drunk in the plays

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1d ago

In Shakespeare's time, the upper class had more wealth, education, social status, and political power compared to commoners. They were often landowners, nobility, or royalty, while commoners were usually peasants, artisans, or laborers. The upper class had access to better living conditions, entertainment, and opportunities for advancement, while commoners faced poverty, hard labor, and limited social mobility.

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Q: What difference were there between the upper class and the commoners in shakespeare's time?
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Continue Learning about Sociology

Which social class in the Inca society enjoyed more rights than commoners but fewer rights than nobles?

The social class in Inca society that enjoyed more rights than commoners but fewer rights than nobles were the "kurakas." Kurakas were local leaders who acted as intermediaries between the commoners and the Inca nobility, overseeing administrative and judicial matters within their communities. They had privileges such as land ownership and exemptions from certain labor obligations, but did not hold the same elevated status as the noble class.

What was the Social Structure of the Haida people?

The Haida people had a hierarchical social structure with a class system that included nobles, commoners, and slaves. Chiefs and nobles held positions of power and authority, while commoners worked in various trades and occupations. Slaves were typically captured in warfare and served the higher classes.

What are the social classes in the Aztecs?

The Aztec society had three main social classes: nobles, commoners, and slaves. Nobles held power and privilege, commoners made up the majority of the population and included artisans, farmers, and merchants, while slaves were generally prisoners of war or individuals who had fallen into debt. Social mobility was limited, with individuals typically remaining within the class they were born into.

What was the social class structure like in Harappa?

The social class structure in Harappa was likely hierarchical, with a division between elites who held power and authority and commoners who worked in various trades and occupations. Archaeological evidence suggests that there was some level of social stratification based on access to resources, such as housing quality and burial practices. Due to limited information, the exact nature and extent of social classes in Harappa remains a topic of debate among historians and archaeologists.

What social aspects of life do the incas have?

The Incas had a highly stratified society with a rigid class system that included the ruling elite, nobility, commoners, and slaves. They placed a strong emphasis on communal labor, with people working together on public projects for the benefit of the community. Social mobility was limited, with individuals typically remaining within the same social class as their parents.

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