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Genetics Food Intake (calories consumed); exercise (calories burned); previous dieting history; age; sex

These are the main reasons people gain weight:

1. High fructose corn syrup -- it is added to just about everything we eat and has no food value. As it is chemically altered corn, it is not recognized by the body and stored as FAT.

2. Poor nutrition -- when you eat nutrient-deficient food, your stomach may be full, but your body continues to send out the "I'm hungry" signal. This leads to overeating and weight gain.

3. Changes in body composition -- as people age, they gradually lose lean muscle mass and develop more fat, a process known as sarcopenia. 4. People are not active-- they always sitting around and always eating

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Exercise (calories burned), food intake (caloric intake), and properly functioning metabolism.

What exercises you do, how much you exercise, what you eat, how much you eat, your stress level, your genetic DNA.

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Q: What are 3 factors that influence body weight?
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