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There are LOTS of different types.

Most fall under the spirituality of a particular saint, whose life they imitate to follow Jesus more completely. These would be Franciscan (following St. Francis and St. Clare), Dominican (St. Dominic), Benedictine (St. Benedict), Carmelite (following the monastic way of life at Mount Carmel, ever since Elijah the prophet's showdown in 1 Kings 18, and using a "rule of life" by St. Albert), Missionary of Charity (Bl. Mother Teresa), etc. Many of these have split over the years because of size or when God calls some to live slightly differently, so there are literally thousands of types.

They are often loosely grouped into ways of life that are more "contemplative" (more prayer, less work in the outside world) and more "active" (less time in prayer, though still rooted in it, and more time serving in the world). Contemplatives are technically "nuns" and actives are technically called "sisters."

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