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Q: What diffuses blood in and out?
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What diffuses from the kidney back into the blood stream?

Water diffuses from the kidney back into the blood stream.

What gases are exchanged in the repitory ystem?

Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli of the lungs into the blood. Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the alveoli of the lung where is will be exhaled.

Oxygen diffuses into the blood from the?

o2 diffuses into blood from alveoli of lungs through the respiratory membran.

What does oxygen diffuse into?

Oxygen diffuses from any place there is a lot of it to any place where there is less. In the body, it diffuses from the air in the alveoli of the lungs, through the lung and capillary walls and into the blood, where it is taken up by the haemoglobin of the red blood cells. When the bood reaches the body tissues it diffuses out of the blood and into the cells.

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What structure diffuses nutrients from the mother's blood into the embryo's blood?

Food is definitely one structure which diffuses from the mother's blood to the embryo. I need to find out another one to answer my question?

How does ventilation help maintain a difference in oxygen concentration?

As it circulates, the oxygen diffuses into the blood via the alveolar wall, this then transfer the oxygen to the red blood cells, as diffusion occurs at this point, oxygen diffuses from a high concentration to a low concentration, so the oxygen diffuses into the blood whereas the CO2 diffuses into the alveoli and then out of the mouth when we expire.

What is a specific molecule that diffuses into the blood at the lungs?


Which organ in your body diffuses oxygen into your blood stream?

your lungs

The part of blood plasma that diffuses out of the capillaries is the?

Tissue Fluid

Does carbon dioxide diffuse from the capillaries to the alveoli?

yes while oxygen then diffuses into the blood, and carbon dioxide diffuses out. it's a chain

What does the oxygen molecule do when it is in the alveoli?

It diffuses into the blood capillaries surrounding the alveoli.