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Q: What direction did the travalers migrate when crossing the Bering Strait?
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Where did the Native American Indians migrate to the Americas by crossing what?

The Bering Strait .

Why did the native Americans migrate to Canada?

The Native Americans migrated to Canada in search of food, which was the wooly mammoth. They did so by crossing over the Bering Land Bridge.Click on the link below for a diagram of the bering land bridge:,Ripan/beringia_b.jpg

What did they cross in order to migrate to north America?

bering strait

Did neandertals migrate across the bering bridge?

Neanderthals did not migrate across the Bering land bridge as they primarily inhabited Europe and parts of western Asia. The land bridge was used by early human populations to migrate from Asia to the Americas.

Which us state is reached by crossing the Bering strait?


How do you use the word bering land-bridge in a sentence?

The Bering Land Bridge was is believed to be one of the first routes that Asian people used to migrate to america.

When did people first migrate into Alaska through the Bering Land Bridge?

During the last Ice Age.

Where did humans migrate out of?

mid eastern asia. They crossed the bering land bridge which was connected by ice at that time,

How did an ice age make it possible for Asian hunters to migrate to the America?

They migrated through the Bering Strait when it froze

Where did people migrate from to populate north America?

they migrated from what is today northern Russia. they came across the Bering straight

How did an ice age make it possible for an Asian hunter to migrate to the Americas?

They migrated through the Bering Strait when it froze

Where did the people migrate from to populate north America?

they migrated from what is today northern Russia. they came across the Bering straight