

What direction does diffusion take place?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What direction does diffusion take place?
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Diffusion can take place if the two substances are?

Diffusion can take place in any substance, cause diffusion means the mixture of gases . In a perfume shop diffusion takes place

Where in your body does diffusion take place?

diffusion takes place in the alveoli

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How does diffusion take place in the body?

P.I.S.O.- Potassium in Sodium out facilitated diffusion, active transport , and passive transport and simple diffusion.

How does rate of diffusion of a gas in a liquid change on heating?

if the temp is higher then diffusion take place faster

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It takes place cause the leaf wants it to take place

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How does gaseous exchange take place in Amoeba?

Gaseous exchange in Amoeba occurs through diffusion. Oxygen from the surrounding environment diffuses into the cell across the cell membrane, while carbon dioxide produced by cellular respiration diffuses out of the cell. This process allows for the exchange of gases to support the metabolic activities of the cell.

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Where does Gas exchange take place in the hydra?

It is simpie diffusion through body surface

How fast does diffusion take?

Faster diffusion will take place if the surroundings are warmer. Increase in temperature means an increase in molecules' speed (kinetic energy).