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There's not enough information to properly answer this question, but I would assume, if the air is inside a bottle of some sort, we're thinking of convection.

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Q: What direction does energy flow to the cool air inside the bottle?
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What is the density of blobs in a bottle?

Blobs in a bottle is a fun and cool way to learn about densiy and water and oil and how they dont mix,Blobs in a bottle is similar to a lava lamp.

Why outer surface of a cooled bottle gets wet at room temperature?

Humidity in the air condenses on the cool bottle surface.

Why does a plastic bottle full of steam get pressed in if placed in a refrigerator?

When the temperature of a confined sample of gas is reduced, the pressure is reduced. Just before you cover the bottle, the steam in it has the same pressure as the air outside the bottle. (If the steam momentarily had higher pressure, some of it ran out. If the steam momentarily had lower pressure, some air ran into the bottle.) After you cover the bottle, nothing can get in or out of it. Then you cool the steam. The pressure inside drops when the steam cools. Now the pressure of the air outside the bottle is higher than the pressure inside the bottle, and the higher pressure outside crushes the bottle. ================================================ Do you REALLY want to see something cool, and shock the other people in the house ? Take the same plastic bottle, boil some water, pour some of the boiling water into the plastic bottle, and when the bottle is full of steam, cover it up tight. Watch the water in the bottle. As soon as it STOPS boiling, shove the bottle into a dish of ice. The water inside will START boiling again ! From the explanation above, you should be able to explain this. Here's a hint: Water boils at a lower temperature when there's less pressure on top of it. Boiling water in Denver is not as hot as boiling water in Brawley, California, because Denver is at higher altitude. so the air pressure there is lower.

Describe the direction of heat flow when a warm object and a cool object touch?

The flow of heat energy from the warmer object to the cooler oneis so probable that it is considered a law in thermodynamics.

What insulation material can keep objects cool?

A vacuum is a good insulator so a "thermos" bottle will keep liquids 8or solids) cool for a while.

Related questions

How does energy transfer cool the air inside a bottle?


What is the direction of heat flow when a warm object and cool object touch?

from warm to cool, warmth is energy, coolness is the absence of energy.

I have this energy inside myself I can use it to heal my wounds and warm and cool myself What is this energy called?

You crazy!

How do crush a bottle with ice and cold water?

As the water inside the bottle cools it uses less air pressure than the cool air outside. The results are crushing.

How cool is one direction?

It is very cool! :)

Why do you store areosol cans in a cool area?

If you increase the temperature, you increase the kinetic energy of the particles in the can. This means they move faster. The faster they move, the more they hit the side of the can. This causes pressure. Lots of pressure inside a can = *BOOM* (like when a coke bottle explodes in a freezer)

Where could one order a bottle of Cool Water by Davidoff?

You can order a bottle of Cool Water by Davidoff in the website Amazon that sell thing in the internet . this bottle of Cool water by davidoff cos 31$ insted off 50$.

What will happen in a sealed bottle when the air is heated and then allowed to cool?

The bottle will collapse when the bottle has heated air

Why sun spots appear cool?

because the magnetic field in that area stops some of the energy from inside the sun reaching the surface and less energy means cooler.

Why do the sides of a plastic bottle buckle?

Air pressure can buckle the sides of a plastic bottle. If a bottle is capped, it isolates the air inside. At the time the cap went on, inside and outside air pressure were equal. Cool the bottle and the sides will buckle in because the inside air cools, becomes less dense and then its pressure goes down. Cap an empty soda bottle and stick it in the fridge for fifteen or twenty minutes. Look at what happens. Want more drama? Same empty soda bottle. Run a couple of cups of hot water out of the tap in it. Cap it and shake it for ten seconds or so. Uncap it and dump out the water and replace the cap right away. What is in hand is a bottle of pretty warm air that is isolated inside the bottle. Put that in the fridge for ten minutes. Major buckling.

What happens to the energy inside the rock as metamorphic rock becomes igneous rock?

Metamorphic rocks gain enegry as they are melted by magma and then lose energy as they cool into igneous rocks.

Is energy cool?

If you think science is cool, then energy would have to be cool as well, especially how it is involved with and in science.