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Q: What direction does the arteries flow?
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What direction does oxygen-rich blood flow?

From the heart, through the arteries, except the pulmonary artery.

Why are valves present in veins but now in arteries?

valves are only present in veins to stop the blood to move backwards through the vein but in arteries the muscle puts alot of pressure on the blood which stops it from moving in the wrong direction

What direction does the blood flow in the heart?

there are two main veins that makes the blood flow toward the heart which are the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava.

What does the vertebral arteries are patent codominant and demonstrates antegrade flow without evidence of stenosis mean?

This statement likely indicates that the vertebral arteries are open, with good blood flow traveling in the typical direction without any narrowing or blockages present. The term "codominant" suggests that both sides of the vertebral arteries are contributing equally to blood supply in the brain.

Does blood flow in One Direction?

because your arteries are being pumped on a same vessal. if you were to lay out all off those vessels, you would see its all one beg flow of blood.

Are winds named for the direction they flow to or the direction they flow from?

flow to

A measure of the flow of blood in arteries is called?

Blood flows away from the heart and is measured as blood pressure. This is a measure of the passage or flow and the resistance of the flow in the arteries.

Does arteries have valves to prevent back flow?

No, veins have the valves, arteries don't.

Direction of blood flow in the capillaries?

Blood flows from arteries to veins or from arterioles (small arteries) to venules (small veins) in a capillary bed.

Blood can flow freely through arteries because?

arteries are lined with smooth muscles

Mra Finding grossly symmetric flow within the intracranial internal carotid arteries and in the proximal anterior and middle cerebral arteries flow both distal vertebral arteries is demonstra?

It means your blood flow is perfect up in the ol' noggin.

What do arteries contain that prevent the back flow of blood?

Nothing, it is only pressure that keeps blood moving in the right direction in arteries. Veins have valves that prevent backflow of blood, but arteries do not.