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bc he is ugy

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helll naw

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what did he sayy

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Q: What discouraged ramo to become a chief in the book island of the blue dolphin?
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What discouraged ramo from wanting to become chief?

Ramo was discouraged from wanting to become chief because he saw the responsibilities involved and the challenges his brother faced as chief. He also preferred the freedom of the mountains and did not desire the power and decision-making that came with being a leader.

Who is kimki and where was he from the book island of the blue dolphin?

Kimki is the cheif who took over Chief Chowig and he is in chapter 6

What are all the names of the characters in island of the blue dolphin?

Karana,Rontu,Ramo,Ulape,Chief Chowig,Captain Orlov

What do a dolphin chief saint and a bear have in common?


What is the value of an Dolphin chief canoe?

from 350 to 1700 dollars

What is Chief Chowig's name in Island of the Blue Dolphins?

Chief Chowig's name in Island of the Blue Dolphins is Chief Kimki.

How much is a dolphin chief canoe worth?

When determining the value of any object, you must take into account the age, condition, and area you live in. A dolphin chief canoe will range in value from 350 to 1700 dollars depending on condition and age.

How to be the chief on spy island?

You just have to beat spy island!

How did Chief Joseph become Chief?

His father, Tuekakas, who was chief died making him chief.

What happened in the previous hunt that mischief chowing suspicious of the Russian hunters in island of the blue dolphin?

In the previous hunt, Tainor had disappeared, and the Russian hunters convinced Chief Chowig that Tainor had been taken by the devilfish. However, Karana later discovered that the Russians were lying, which made Chief Chowig suspicious of their intentions. This event foreshadowed the escalating conflict between the Ghalas-at people and the Russian hunters on the Island of the Blue Dolphins.

What is the quickest way to gain the master chief in njrotc?

Become a comander of somthing (air rifle, drill, colorguard..etc) or become a chief in the department or become a platoon guidon. If you are one of these you can become a chief( throught promos) then if you a the best you can become master chief or even a platoon comander ( which you can be promoted to ensign).

Who was the first chief of Ghalas-at in the story of Island of the Blue Dolphins?

chief chowig karana's dad