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Q: What discovery lead j.j Thomson to decide that atoms were not indevisble but are actually composed of smaller parts?
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What did Thomson discover about the electron?

J. J. Thomson is credited with the discovery of electrons.

Why is the jj Thomson discovery important?

it wasnt..................

Did J J Thomson's experiments with cathode rays lead to the discovery of the neutron?

No. JJ Thomson's experiments with cathode rays lead to the discovery of the electron.

What scientist is associated with the discovery of the electron?

J.J Thomson

What scientists are associated with the discovery of the electron?

John Thomson

Who scientist discovery the electrons?

the scientist who discovered the electrons is Joseph John Thomson or simply john thomson.

Who proved the existence of the electron?

Crookes observed that the cathodic rays are deflected by a magnetic field and concluded that this beam is negatively charged. Thomson established that the beam is composed from a new type of particles called by Fitzgerald electrons. But many scientists contributed to the discovery of the electron.

How did Thomson discovery change Dalton's atomic theory?

Thomson's discovery of the electron showed that there were things smaller than the atom that could be removed from the atom. Therefor the atom was not an "uncuttable" object as Dalton had proposed.

What did JJ Thomson work with?

Discovery of electron was done by JJ Thomson. he and others studied the properties of cathode rays by conducting experiments.

Who discoved electrons?


What did J.J. Thomson create in chemistry?

You think probable to the discovery of isotopes (with Aston).

JJ Thomson won the nobel prize in 1906 for the discovery of which particle?
