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From my basic understanding, a vaccination is a low percentage dose of the disease you are attempting to prevent your body from acquiring. The small dose is added to the body so that the human body defence systems will learn how best to cope with this particular foreign invader. The human body's defence systems learn & usually remember well, but needs all nutrients to be available for rebuilding or restructuring as needed. Once all nutrients are available, and the defence system is not being introduced to other attackers, the human body will function wonderfully at destroying that particular strain of that disease. The problems arise when a disease has mutated or changed its structure.

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Q: What disease does vaccination protect human from?
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How active vaccination protect the body against disease?

Active vaccination produces antibodies against the particular organism. These antibodies kill the invading pathogen and protect the body against the disease.

Is vaccination protect human life?

Yes vaccine prevent human life as Vaccine are used to create immunity in the body to fight against germs which cause diseases. The best example of vaccination is smallpox vaccine which help in eludation of this disease completely from the earth

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Gardasil is a vaccination that is intended to protect against four types of human papillomavirus (HPV).

What is the difference between vaccination and medication?

Vaccination is used to prevent a disease and medication is used to treat a disease that someone has.

What is the use of vaccination?

prevents from disease

How do you use the word vaccination in a sentence?

When are you are a child you get a vaccination in order to protect you from diseases in your life.

Which was the 1st disease to be cured by vaccination?

Diseases are prevented, not cured, by vaccination. Small Pox.

How does a vaccination protect a person from infectious diseases?

The vaccination process is intended to boost the immune system against infectious diseases and similar problems by introducing a small quantity of the disease to the immune system, so it knows what to look for and how to fight it. However, vaccination does not make you immune, so always exercise as much caution as possible in a situation in which you might be at risk of contracting an infectious disease.

What are organisms that populate the human body and protect it from disease are called?

good bacteria

How long will many vaccination s protect a person from disease?

It depends on the vaccine, some last a lifetime and some need to be constantly renewed every few years.

What is the weakened agent of disease that can provide immunity for a particular disease?

That is called a vaccination.

Does the human body have an enormous capacity to protect itself against?

disease and climatic injury