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small pox

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Q: What disease has been completely destroyed because of the use of vaccines?
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Why are vaccines beneficial?

because they protect you from disease

How do vaccines protect the body from diseases?

A vaccines helps because they put some of the disease in your body then your body can get use to it so if you get that disease your body can easily fight it out of you!

How did the vaccination change society?

Vaccines changed society because with out vaccines then there would be so many deaths. Vaccines help to prevent the disease before you get it. Why pay a visit to the doctor when you can just go get the vaccine and not have to get the disease.

Vaccines are effective in preventing disease because they?

Vaccines are for the purpose of disease prevention. Vaccination is the process of introducing harmless pathogens to the body for a response trigger without an actual infection. Vaccines are either composed of: *dead pathogens *weakened pathogens *protiens from the target pathogens

Do vaccine cure or prevent disease?

they prevent diseases very well but it is very hard to completely cure a disease so most vaccines strongly prevent diseases but there are always cases where the disease will break through.

Why did the Douglass castle got destroyed?

because of the disease

What are vaccines made for?

Vaccines are made using the disease-causing virus or bacteria.

How are vaccines benificial?

vaccines are beneficial because they help prevent a disease happening to a person in the future by developing anti- bodies in the blood. they help fight the infection better

How are some disease microorganisms made inactive to use as vaccines?

because some of them may be harmful to the body

Why is the complete destruction of the epidermis dangerous?

The epidermis is body's first defence against disease and infection. If the epidermis is completely destroyed, the body is more susceptible to bacteria.

A disease that can be prevented by oral vaccines?


What is immunoprophylaxis?

The prevention of disease by administration of vaccines.