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Q: What disease may result when the body's immune tolerance fails?
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What is the name given to the bodys defence mechanism?

immune system

What is the bodys defense against disease and foreign substances?


Which makes viral infections difficult to defeat?

The immune system must attack the bodys own cells

What is anti nualear anti bodys?

It is spelled anti-nuclear anti-bodies. It is a lab test that, if elevated, signifies a likely auto-immune disease process. It can be elevated for many different diseases, so is not absolute proof of any particular disease, but is used to narrow the search for a cause of symptoms. (Abbreviated- ANA)

False or true Immune surveillance by natural killer cells is one of the bodys most potent defenses against cancer?


What is the disorder in which some of the bodys cells grow uncontrollably?

The disease is cancer

What is immunity in the human body system?

"Immunological system" is just a fancy way to say "immune system".

Is rheumatiod arthritis believed to be an autoimmune disease?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the dysregulation of humoral and cell-mediated immunity results in the production of rheumatoid factor antibodies. This autoimmune response triggers the bodys immune system to attack its healthy tissues. Central BioHub is an online biospecimen marketplace. It offers high-quality, well-defined biospecimens collected from patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis infections. To check more about our biospecimens portfolio, visit our website: Central

Which of these is one of the bodys first lines of defence against infections?

its killer T cells

What is the next work for canals throughout the cell?

axons neurons , cells help protect the bodys defense system against infection defiency ...also oxygen

Does Salmonella cause high white blood count?

yes it can because it is a bacteria, the bodys immune system automatically starts producing more white cells to fight off the bacteria

What is a bacterial pathogen?

They are micro organisms that cause disease. Bacteria release toxins and viruses damage the cells. Bacteria are living cells that come in many shapes and sizes (te largest being 10 millionth of a metre). In favourable conditions they can multiply rapidly and once inside the body release there toxins. Antibiotics can be used to help the bodys immune system destroy them