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Probably osteoporosis.

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Q: What disease of the bone if you break your femur age 82?
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What is the largest bone in your body and where?

The largest bone in the body is called the Femur. It is located inside of your thigh area. I have seen both a human femur, and a cow femur. The human femur is no doubt large, but the cow femur was almost intimidatingly huge.

Can you see an epiphyseal plate on a open dried femur bone?

Not if it is a femur from a skeletally mature individual. The epiphyseal plate of the femur closes at around age 17 or 18. After this age, you would not see the epiphyseal plate, but you should be able to see the physis (or physeal) scar. This is the point at which the epiphysis and metaphysis have fused.

Whats the most dangorous bone to break?

Not really sure but the bones in your toes commonly break and fracture without the sufferer's knowledge.

How much force required to fracture femur?

There force it takes to break a leg will vary depending on the age of a person. For an adult, a force of about 20 pounds is enough to break a leg.

What is the average weight of a human skull?

The weight of the femur varies by size. Also, is it fresh, or dry? Dried, bleached bones will weigh less than ones recently removed from a cadaver. I would estimate a fresh adult thigh bone to weigh about five pounds.

What speed will a baseball break a bone?

It depends on the bone. Not all bones are the same. Not only does it depend on the thickness of the bone, but also on the shape. For example, Hamate fracture (aka. wrist-bone-below-the-pinky fracture) is fairly common among baseball players, because it has an outward area shaped like a small hook, and it is near the surface of the palm. On the other hand, the Femur (aka. Thigh bone) is harder than concrete. Then there are factors like age, previous bone problems, etc.

Osteoarthritis is a disease of the?

Degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward. Its basically a joint disease.

Is it true that Alzheimer's is a bone disease in which the bones becomes less dense?

No, it's a neurological disease. What happens to the bones may be age-related.

How long does it take for a broken collar bone to heal?

it depends on your age and the severity of your break but it can be from 4 weeks - 10

At what age should females be concerned about osteoporosis?

The problem with osteoporosis is that the early stages of the disease are asymptomatic. Women are not aware of the disease until it is fairly advanced. Osteoporosis is the thinning of bone tissue and the subsequent loss of bone density that is associated with age. Women who are approaching the age of menopause should speak to their physicians about osteoporosis and pursue the recommended testing and treatments as needed.

Why bone of elder people break easily than younger bone?

As we age, the bones lose calcium, which lowers their density, making older people more prone to breaks.

How long for a broken femur to heal?

Typically for a broken femur, they will do surgery and put in a rod and pins, if they do a cast, it is a body cast