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The majority of diseases included smallpox, influenza, typhoid, cholera, mumps, measles, malaria, whopping cough, Bubonic Plague, yellow fever, pneumonia, and dysentery.

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Q: What diseases did Europeans bring to the Americas?
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Europeans brought civilization to the americas

What group of Europeans brought foreign diseases to the Americas?

The French

What did the spanish bring to the Americas that caused destruction of the early civilizations?

The Spanish brought diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza that decimated the local populations due to lack of immunity. They also introduced forced labor systems, warfare, and exploitation of resources that contributed to the destruction of early civilizations in the Americas.

Why did Europeans bring people from Africa to the Americas?

to be their slaves

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The Europeans brought Africans to the Americas to run sugar plantations thus enslaving them.

What were the cause and effect of the migration of europeans and Africans to the Americas?

it caused diseases and decreased population in Europe as for the africans and americans it did bring crops and livestock along the way

What were the causes and effects of the migration of europeans and africans to the Americas?

The primary causes of European migration to the Americas were economic opportunities, religious freedom, and the desire for political autonomy. The effects included the decimation of indigenous populations, the establishment of colonial systems, and the transatlantic slave trade, which brought millions of Africans to the Americas under brutal conditions.

What did the europeans bring to the Americans?

smallpox and other diseases

What did the Europeans bring to America that was most frighting for native Americans?

Diseases, in the form of foreign bacteria. some examples are: smallpox (especially infectious and deadly to those unexposed to it before) and influensa (flu)

Why did Europeans begin relying on African labor for their plantations in the Americas?

Indigenous populations in the Americas had been devastated by European diseases.

The population of the Americas dramatically declined following the arrival of Europeans primarily?

Europeans diseases killed a large amount of the population.

Did the Europeans brought the bible to the new world?

Yes, the Europeans did BRING the bible to the Americas, along with the majority of our culture.