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Q: What diseases did the poison gas cause?
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What will cause a dog to throw up?

Eating something bad, poison, gas, or sickness.

What was the impact of poison gas in the military?

Poison gas was never a decisive military weapon, since it is very unpredictable. A change in the direction of the wind can cause the gas that you were using to attack the enemy, to blow back in your direction and kill you instead. Nonetheless, poison gas is still feared, and armies continue to be equipped with gas masks, just in case.

What killed most of the soldiers in World War 1?

Influenza was commonly a problem during WW1. The death toll was nearly 20,000,000. More than half of this was caused by the flu.

What did poison gas do?

Poison gas and blistered your skin and burned your eyes and that is the reason they wore gas masks

What is the use of poison gas?

to poison stuff

Is poison gas still used today?

poison gas is no longer allowed in warfare.

What tipe of move is poison gas in sapphire?


What diseases cause unicellular organism?

Diseases do not cause unicellular organisms; unicellular organisms cause diseases.

Who made poison gas?

It was the Germans and it was Chlorine Gas

What is poison chlorine gas?

is a gas that kills people

Is gas poison?

your question lacks detail. some gases are poison, some aren't. depends what gas you are talking about

When did Halabja poison gas attack happen?

Halabja poison gas attack happened on 1988-03-16.