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Other diseases that produce some of the same symptoms as rosacea include perioral dermatitis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

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Q: What diseases produce some of the same symptoms as rosacea?
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Can lupus cause rosacea?

Lupus and rosacea are not the same thing. A dermatologist would need to do a biopsy to determine if redness and inflammation are caused by lupus or rosacea. It is possible for a lupus rash to look lmuch like rosacea.

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How To Find An Effective Rosacea Treatment?

Rosacea is a skin condition which affects some 45 million people worldwide. Characterized by a reddish skin tone around the areas of the face that are prone to facial blushing, alone with a bumpy complexion, rosacea is not considered to be a curable condition, though there are several rosacea treament options which can often lessen the harsh and often unsightly symptoms. To determine which treatment is right for you, it is best to consult with a qualified skin professional such as a dermatologist. When you are planning for your initial visit, be sure to make a list of your intended rosacea treatment goals so that your healthcare provider is aware of the effects you hope to receive as a result of regular treatments. Some rosacea patients also experience eye problems such as redness and a gritty feeling inside the eye. If you fall into this category, make sure to mention all your symptoms so that you can receive a treatment that addresses them all simultaneously. Pulsing lasers can offer a relatively painless, though often pricey rosacea treatment option. Some lasers are specifically known to reduce redness in skin within a short amount of time. For a person who feels adversely affected by the cosmetic symptoms, this type of treatment can provide a welcome confidence boost. Oral antibiotics are another potential rosacea treatment. Tetracyclline and Accutane are two common drugs used to treat rosacea. However, be sure to investigate potential side effects of such treatments, including interactions with other drugs, and possible complications for pregnant women Since acne and rosacea share some of the same symptoms, the treatments for both skin conditions can be similar. Some non-invasive treatments for both conditions include prescription strength face wash and topical creams. Mild cases of rosacea may be able to be treated sufficiently with over-the-counter treatments, though it is important to investigate all such options thoroughly and discontinue use immediately if any adverse reactions occur. Additionally, persons who suffer from rosacea should take care to select skin cleansers and lotions intended for sensitive skin. Although rosacea is not curable, current treatment options allow those affected to enjoy months or even years of symptom-free life.

How to Rid the Face of Rosacea Redness?

Rosacea OverviewRosacea is a skin disorder that makes the skin appear red in color, could cause swelling, and result in sores similar to acne. Rosacea occurs typically in people who are in the age range of 30-50, are fair skinned, and predominately in women. Men can get this skin disorder and symptoms are more severe. Symptoms of Rosacea are but not limited to blushing or flushing easily, redness of the face, burning or stinging feeling felt in the face, red nose, spider like blood vessels on the face, and irritated, bloodshot eyes.With conscience effort and help from a medical professional, symptoms of Rosacea can be decreased if not eliminated all together. Never try and treat Rosacea independently. Residual effects from improper treatments can cause rhinophyma to develop and worsen. If Rosacea is severe enough, prescribed topical creams and oral medications may be needed. Following the steps below can help reduce redness and overall symptoms that accompany Rosacea.Steps to Reduction or EliminationStep 1. Eliminate known irritants that cause the Rosacea symptoms to flare up. Reduce sugar and carbohydrate consumption. Avoid alcohol, spicy foods, and caffeine. When outside wear plenty of sunscreen. The same applies to cold weather, wearing sunscreen and use a scarf to protect the face from the outside elements.Step 2. Eat more antioxidant enriched food to reap the benefits and get relief of the redness in the face. Dark berries, oranges, and pineapples are examples of antioxidant enriched foods. If the person doesn't like fruit then supplements can be added to gain the same result.Step 3. Be careful on what is used to cleanse the skin. Many cleansers are harsh to the skin causing irritation. Use only mild cleansers or soap and luke warm water to clean the affected skin daily. Hot water is another factor that can aggravate Roseca symptoms. Also the use of a hypoallergenic moisturizer can prove beneficial to Rosacea prone skin.Step 4. Eliminating or changing the type of cosmetics can greatly improve Rosecea flare ups. Switch to a mineral based cosmetic since these less likely irritate the skin. This type of cosmetic is free of oil and chemical additives that are found in popular cosmetics being marketed today.

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Yes, they are the same thing.

What deises did Caesar have?

I think you mean diseases. Anyhow, the ancients said he suffered from epilepsy which was a disorder that they knew. However modern research thinks he may have suffered from hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar and its symptoms are the same as epilepsy. They came to this conclusion by studying his lifestyle and eating habits and took into account that the symptoms occurred late in his life.I think you mean diseases. Anyhow, the ancients said he suffered from epilepsy which was a disorder that they knew. However modern research thinks he may have suffered from hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar and its symptoms are the same as epilepsy. They came to this conclusion by studying his lifestyle and eating habits and took into account that the symptoms occurred late in his life.I think you mean diseases. Anyhow, the ancients said he suffered from epilepsy which was a disorder that they knew. However modern research thinks he may have suffered from hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar and its symptoms are the same as epilepsy. They came to this conclusion by studying his lifestyle and eating habits and took into account that the symptoms occurred late in his life.I think you mean diseases. Anyhow, the ancients said he suffered from epilepsy which was a disorder that they knew. However modern research thinks he may have suffered from hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar and its symptoms are the same as epilepsy. They came to this conclusion by studying his lifestyle and eating habits and took into account that the symptoms occurred late in his life.I think you mean diseases. Anyhow, the ancients said he suffered from epilepsy which was a disorder that they knew. However modern research thinks he may have suffered from hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar and its symptoms are the same as epilepsy. They came to this conclusion by studying his lifestyle and eating habits and took into account that the symptoms occurred late in his life.I think you mean diseases. Anyhow, the ancients said he suffered from epilepsy which was a disorder that they knew. However modern research thinks he may have suffered from hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar and its symptoms are the same as epilepsy. They came to this conclusion by studying his lifestyle and eating habits and took into account that the symptoms occurred late in his life.I think you mean diseases. Anyhow, the ancients said he suffered from epilepsy which was a disorder that they knew. However modern research thinks he may have suffered from hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar and its symptoms are the same as epilepsy. They came to this conclusion by studying his lifestyle and eating habits and took into account that the symptoms occurred late in his life.I think you mean diseases. Anyhow, the ancients said he suffered from epilepsy which was a disorder that they knew. However modern research thinks he may have suffered from hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar and its symptoms are the same as epilepsy. They came to this conclusion by studying his lifestyle and eating habits and took into account that the symptoms occurred late in his life.I think you mean diseases. Anyhow, the ancients said he suffered from epilepsy which was a disorder that they knew. However modern research thinks he may have suffered from hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar and its symptoms are the same as epilepsy. They came to this conclusion by studying his lifestyle and eating habits and took into account that the symptoms occurred late in his life.

What treatment is available for acne Rosacea?

Although Rosacea is still a bit of a skin mystery it should be managed from day one of noticing it before it becomes worse. Some good ideas in managing Rosacea are: Maintain a journal to keep track of foods and activities that trigger Rosacea. You can eventually identify what triggers the symptoms and reduce exposure to these triggers. Reducing sun exposure as it can further irritate the problem. If you have to be in the sun use a sun screen that will not irritate your skin. Use skin care products which will help calm you skin removing the redness. It is important to not use products which have possible irritants in them like alcohol or other drying, irritating ingredients. Prosacea is excellent for bringing down rosacea because it contains sulfur. Read about Prosacea here: However, try to stay away from Atopiclair. It might cause a worse breakout!