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Q: What disorders can karyotyping not detect?
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What is a genetic disorder that cannot be detected by karyotyping?

Karyotyping looks at the complete set of chromosomes. It can detect large-scale abnormalities, such as missing/extra chromosomes or whether large pieces of chromosomes have been rearranged. It cannot detect any of the many, many genetic disorders which are caused by a single gene, several genes or gene interactions. Examples of these would be cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell disease and dwarfism.

What is the technique known as karyotyping is used to detect abnormalitites?

It used to distinguish autosomal and sexual chromosomes of a species.

What could detect urinary tract disorders and other health problems?

Urinary test could detect urinary tract disorders and other health problems.

What can karyotypes be used for?

Karyotyping is a diagram of ones chromosomes and is used to help determine if a baby will inherit any genetic disorders. Overall, Karyotyping is useful in studing chromosomes and how they work.

What diseases can a liver biopsy detect?

any of the following conditions or disorders:

What are the uses of spectral karyotyping?

Spectral Karyotyping (SKY) can detect 1. Chromosomal material of unknown origin 2. Complex rearrangements 3. Translocations 4. Large deletions 5. Duplications 6. Aneuploidy and more.

What type of disorders are karyotyping used to diagnose?

Chromosomal disorders can be observed in a human karyotype. It can show whether there are extra chromosomes, or missing chromosomes, or malformed chromosomes, or whether chromosomes have extra pieces, or missing pieces.

Is amniocentesis used for karyotyping?


How can karyotypes be used by doctors?

By karyotype we will be able to detect the genetic abnormalities. Once the doctor have any doubt whether the patient have any genetic abnormality, they will suggest for karyotyping. By understanding the interpretation of karyotype doctors can easily counsel the patient and lead them in proper way... zoneF

Why are micro-deletions and micro-insertions difficult to diagnosis using karyotyping?

Because only the chromosomes can be seen in a karyotype, and microdeletions/insertions are mutations at the molecular level, it is virtually impossible to detect such mutations at the chromosomal level.

What are two tools that's doctors use to detect genetic disorders?

today doctors use tools such as amniocentesis and karyotypes to help detect genetic disorder.