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the equator

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Q: What dives earth into northern and southern hemisphere?
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What hemisphere of the earth experience opposite season?

The Northern and Southern Hemisphere

What is the season in southern hemisphere of earth of earth when it is summer in northern hemisphere?


What divides the Earth's layers?

the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere

What is the name of the northern and southern hemispheres that divide the earth?

Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere or prime meridian and the equator???

Into which two hemispheres does the equator divide the earth?

The equator divides the earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.

What causes earth to have a northern and a southern hemisphere?

the earth's axis

Earth day in the southern hemisphere?

it is day in the southern hemisphere because the earth is at a 23 degree angle. the northern hemisphere is in night time.

What is half the earth between the equator and south pole called?

That's called the Earth's "southern hemisphere".

What are the 3 parts of the Earth?

The southern hemisphere, northern hemisphere and equator (middle hemisphere

Most of the earth's land is concentrated in which hemisphere--the Northern or the Southern?


My brother asked why Australia has winter when we in Canada have summer. How would I explain this to him?

Canada is in the Northern Hemisphere (northern half of the Earth), and Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere (southern). The seasons are opposite in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere due to the way the Earth is tilted as it orbits around the Sun.

What divides the earth in to northern and southern hemisphere?

the equader