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Like other species of bees, Arctic bumblebees feed on nectar. Some blossoms that provide nectar are Arctic poppy, Arctic rose, Arctic willow, bog blueberry, and lingonberry. The bees feed while the plants are blossoming during a period of about 2 ½ months between late May and early August. Pregnant females will then hibernate, often in mice nests under the tundra, and the remainder of colony will die.

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Q: What do Arctic Bumblebees eat?
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What eats a arctic bumble bee?

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What do bumblebees eat?

Like other species of bees, Arctic bumblebees feed on nectar. Some blossoms that provide nectar are Arctic poppy, Arctic rose, Arctic willow, bog blueberry, and lingonberry. The bees feed while the plants are blossoming during a period of about 2 ½ months between late May and early August. Pregnant females will then hibernate, often in mice nests under the tundra, and the remainder of colony will die.

Where do arctic bumblebees live?

In the arctic circle. If their name wasn't much of a clue. They build heavily insulated nests on the grass, which are made of wax and pollen.

Do you have facts about arctic bumblebees?

The Arctic Bumblebee (Bombus polaris) is found in Canada, Alaska, some of the Arctic Islands, Scandinavia and Russia. The Arctic bumblebee has dense fur that slows heat loss. These bees move their muscles quickly to warm their bodies. Also these bumblebees have a higher abdominal temperature than its temperate cousins.

What animal do you eat that eats bumblebees?

a bumbleater

Is it possible to eat bumblebees?

Yes, it's possible to eat bumblebees [Bombusspp] ... particularly if you're a skunk [Mephitidaefamily]. A skunk in your back yard may be digging up ground-nesting bumblebees or soil-dwelling grubs. Either way, they eat them. With the bumblebees, they get dessert in the sense that they like the honey too.

Where do Arctic Bumblebees-live?

In the arctic circle. If their name wasn't much of a clue. They build heavily insulated nests on the grass, which are made of wax and pollen.

Does bees and bumblebees eat the same food?

Yes they do.

Is a bumblebee a herbivore?

Yes, Bumblebees eat nectar which is plant produce

Do polar bears eat the arctic fox and do the arctic fox eat the arctic hare?

Polar bears don't eat Arctic foxes, but Arctic foxes do eat Arctic hares.

What eats a bumblebee?

people eat bumblebees and bumble bees r canables eh